
Malang Mayor Emphasizes Strengthening Discipline

Starfruit ( – In the midst of the pandemic outbreak Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) as it is today, suppressing the spread of Covid-19 must be done together so that the results are also optimal. In addition to implementing good health protocols, an effective vaccine while the virus vaccine has not been found is discipline. This must start from each individual by living an honest and healthy lifestyle.

Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji (front two from left) giving directions

Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji while attending the monitoring activity of the strengthening program tracing and tracking Covid-19 at the Polowijen Village Office, Wednesday (24/06/2020) said that to realize discipline, one of them is by increasing the active role of religious leaders and the local community.

"The public's understanding of Covid-19 is divided into three parts. The first is a group of people who are very obedient in implementing health protocols properly and do not do activities outside the home. Second, there is a group of people who continue to do activities outside the home and implement health protocols and the third group is people who are indifferent to anything," explained the Mayor of Malang.

He added that the third group of people is dangerous. Because in addition to being vulnerable to exposure, they are also the ones who transmit the virus. "This is where firmness is needed from officers so that this outbreak does not continue to spread. If there is something like that, then the village head, RT, RW must report every incident, so that various possibilities can be immediately anticipated until concrete action is taken," added the bespectacled man.

The Mayor of Malang on this occasion re-emphasized the importance and understanding of the word discipline. He gave an example, if someone is declared reactive during a rapid test or rapid testing and required to self-quarantine, then the recommendation must be implemented properly. "From the discipline that starts from each individual like this, it will have a positive impact in suppressing the transmission of the virus," he said. (say/yon)

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