
Monitoring Strengthening Tracing and Tracking in Ciptomulyo Subdistrict

Breadfruit ( – Efforts to break the chain of transmission of the global pandemic Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) continues to be encouraged. This time in the hall of the Ciptomulyo Village Office, Sukun District, Malang City, monitoring of strengthening was carried out tracing and tracking in the Ciptomulyo Health Center work area as a step to tackle the spread of Covid-19, Monday (29/6/2020).

Sukun Sub-district Head IK Widi E. Wirawan, S.Sos, MM gave a welcoming speech

Sukun Sub-district Head IK Widi E. Wirawan, S.Sos, MM said that to suppress the spread of Covid-19, community participation is very important. Therefore, according to him, the presence of RT/RW heads and community leaders in Ciptomulyo Village is very important to work together to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission. "We continue to do tracing and tracking to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19," explained Widi.

He added that by holding the meeting in the hall of the Ciptomulyo Village Office, it is hoped that a common perception and thinking can be found in order to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19.

From this activity, Widi also hopes to be able to activate the formation of resilient villages to make it easier to localize the spread, carry out appropriate handling and treatment in order to continue to suppress the spread of Covid-19.

Learning from previous experiences, where the Sukun area which was originally in the green zone, has now found several cases. Widi also appealed to the community to be more disciplined in implementing the Covid-19 safe health protocol so that the number of confirmed positive cases does not increase. (cah/yon)

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