
ACT Malang Plants 10.000 Endowment Trees and Activates Generous Village

Kedungkandang ( – Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Malang Branch planted 10.000 waqf trees and activated Kampoeng Dermawan in Kampung Baran RT01 RW 07 Kelurahan Buring, Kedungkandang District, Malang City, Thursday (02/07/2020). This planting was initiated by Global Wakaf - ACT together with the Tholabie Manager Islamic Boarding School as the community mentor in the Kampung Baran area.

Symbolic handover of seeds from ACT Malang to residents

The event, which was attended by local community leaders, such as the RT and RW Heads, Buring Village Head, Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas Kedungkandang, was a series of planting 10.000 waqf trees which began on June 7, 2020 until the end of July 2020.

ACT Malang Branch Manager, Diki Taufik Sidik said that the 10.000 endowment trees are in the form of Alligator Avocado and Florida Avocado fruit plant seedlings, as well as Cavendish Banana tree seedlings. The planting of the 10.000 endowment trees is done periodically, and later these seedlings will also be planted in the garden of one of the residents of Kampung Baran and in every yard of the house.

"When the trees bear fruit and are harvested, some of the results will be distributed to be used by the residents of Kampung Baran, either resold or consumed by themselves. The rest will be returned to Global Wakaf to be managed and used to buy new seeds," he said.

In addition to planting 10.000 endowment trees, Diki said that Global Wakaf - ACT together with the Tholabie Islamic Boarding School activated the Kampoeng Dermawan in Kampung Baran RT 01 RW 07, namely the launch of the concept of a community environment that has a generous spirit towards others.

"Kampoeng Dermawan is synchronized with the planting of endowment tree seedlings that are planted, and when the harvest has been achieved, the community that receives the endowment tree can give the harvest to their neighbors," he explained.

"This is a step by Global Wakaf - ACT to build an economically independent society and waqf is the best instrument to overcome the current crisis. Therefore, we invite everyone to ground this waqf so that it can provide very broad benefits," he added.

Meanwhile, Buring Village Head Moch. Khoiril Anwar said that if Kampoeng Dermawan has succeeded in becoming a pilot project, it will be duplicated in several neighboring RTs in Buring Village in order to build independent food security for the people of Kampung Baran.

"Trying to build the community environment here has been quite a long time, hopefully with ACT here it can provide a way for the community to rise to a higher level," said Moch. Khoiril Anwar. (say/yon)

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