Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – The Fisheries Department, Faculty of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry, University of Muhammadiyah Malang held training and mentoring on independent fish feed production and water quality management in the 'Sukses Maju Bersama' Group, Karangbesuki Village, Sukun District, Malang City at the UMM Fisheries Laboratory, Wednesday (5/8/2020).

Lecturer of the Fisheries Department, Faculty of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry, UMM Ganjar Adhy Wirawan revealed that the beginning of this activity was a complaint from one of the Sukses Maju Bersama fish farming groups who were experiencing difficulties related to feed because the price of feed continued to increase.
"Commercial feed made in factories currently costs between IDR 11.500 and IDR 12.500 per kilogram, making the cost of procuring feed very high," explained Ganjar, Wednesday (5/8/2020).
With such a high feed price, it is certainly very burdensome for farmers, because it reaches 60 percent of the total production cost. Dependence on factory feed is also very large, this situation is still compounded by the lack of information on fish farmers on how to manage good and environmentally friendly water quality.
"From these problems, we provide technology transfer to fish farmers in Malang City so that in the future they will be able to produce independent feed so that the results of the fisheries they cultivate can be better," said Ganjar.
From this background, finally there was a collaboration between the Sukses Maju Bersama fish farming group and the UMM Fisheries Aquaculture Study Program. Through this activity, solutions were sought through technology transfer, information transfer related to making independent feed and how to maintain water quality.
Today's activity was not only attended by the fish farmer group from Sukses Maju Bersama, but also from various fish farmer groups in Malang City. Where the products made by fish groups in Malang City are diverse, ranging from catfish, tilapia, koi and various other types of ornamental fish.
Through this activity, it is expected that the fish farming group will gain information and technology transfer on how to choose how to have fish raw materials, formulate feed, how to make independent fish feed based on local raw materials. In addition, through this activity, it can become a business activity in supporting fish farming activities.
Starting from the utilization of fish waste, tofu dregs waste, bread waste, bran, azolla, taro tubers, snail flour and various other materials. Feed products can later be formed into fermented feed or fish pellet feed.
With feed production costs of around Rp6.500-Rp7.500 per kilogram, fish farmer feed products can later be marketed at a price of Rp8.500 to Rp9.500 per kilogram. (cah/yon)