Starfruit ( – After previously visiting Catholic figures and congregations at the Widya Bhakti Building and Buddhists at the Dharma Mitra Vihara, this time the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji and his staff again visited the congregation. Shalom Assemblies of God Church (GSJA), Tuesday (02/09/2020).

In his speech, the bespectacled man invited all Protestants to continue and always maintain relationships with each other and with people of other religions, so that a conducive atmosphere can be created in the city of Malang.
"In living in society, human and divine values must continue to be strengthened so that any element of interest does not undermine a person's soul, and life between religious communities is built well," Sutiaji said.
In Malang City, he said, with the existence of the Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB), harmony has been well maintained so far. Therefore, every person should not feel that they are the best and most correct, because what we consider good is not necessarily good for others. "If there is a problem, it should be resolved properly, such as by deliberation as mandated in the 4th principle of Pancasila," he added.
Meanwhile, one of the Protestant religious figures, Reverend Israel Yakop invited all Christians in accordance with what was conveyed by the Mayor of Malang, especially when there is a pandemic like now, then the people must close ranks and strengthen each other in efforts to combat the outbreak. "With togetherness, various problems will be resolved well," he said.
At this moment, the pastors also held a discussion and Q&A with the ranks of the Malang City Government and the FKUB management. Such as related to the existence of a place of worship or church in a shophouse, what should it be like, to the permits in establishing a place of worship that is in accordance with the rules. So if the problem is resolved from the smallest one early on, it will have a positive impact in the future. (say/yon)