
Malang City DPRD Approves and Ratifies 2 Draft Regional Regulations into Regional Regulations

Klojen ( – The Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) of Malang City regarding supervision of alcoholic beverages and Perumda Tugu Aneka Usaha has been approved by the Malang City DPRD, Thursday (11/12/2020).

The Chairman of the Malang City DPRD, I Made Riandiana Kartika, has determined two Malang City Draft Regional Regulations to become regional regulations.

Previously, on Tuesday (08/12/2020) the chairman of the special committee for both draft regional regulations delivered a statement of approval for the two regulations to become regional regulations with a number of notes or input. The series of discussions on the two draft regional regulations continued on Thursday with a Plenary Meeting held at the Malang City DPRD Building, Thursday (11/12/2020).

In the plenary meeting, six factions in the Malang City DPRD, namely the PDI Perjuangan Faction, the PKB Faction, the PKS Faction, the Gerindra Faction, the Golkar-NasDem-PSI Faction, and the Peace Faction (Democrat-PAN-Perindo) stated their agreement so that the two regulations were ratified as the Malang City Regional Regulation. Through a number of suggestions and inputs, these people's representatives will continue to monitor or control its implementation.

The chairman of the Malang City DPRD, I Made Riandiana Kartika, after signing the two draft regulations, said that his party was relieved because the discussion of the two draft regulations was complete. This is because the two regulations were inherited from the previous DPRD members, namely 2014-2019. "Actually, we targeted to be completed in early 2020, but it was hampered by the Covid-19 outbreak so it was delayed for quite a while," he said.

After this, he said, the two bylaws will be registered with the East Java Provincial Government to obtain a registration number and continued with the strengthening of a number of bylaws before being enforced. "For the bylaws related to alcoholic beverages, in their implementation they will refer to the laws and regulations above them, both at the East Java Provincial level and regulations from the central government," explained Made.

Meanwhile, for Perumda Tugu Aneka Usaha, previously there was a capital investment of IDR 12,5 billion but it could not be absorbed because there was no regional regulation and/or guardian regulation, so it will be absorbed in 2021. "As a BUMD, the target of Perumda Tugu Aneka Usaha is not to seek profit, but how to become a pioneer for business development, especially for MSMEs," added the PDI Perjuangan politician.

"Perumda Aneka Usaha should also not become a competitor or even harm MSMEs. Existing businesses and those stated in the regional regulation should be developed as optimally as possible, and we hope that they can become the parent and protector of businesses, especially in efforts to restore the economy of MSMEs in the midst of a pandemic like today," said Made.

A similar statement was delivered by Malang Deputy Mayor Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko who said that with the ratification of the two draft regulations into regulations, there is strong legal certainty. Such as how to supervise and control alcoholic beverages in Malang City. "Hopefully, business actors will also follow or obey the existing rules, and not harm other parties," he explained.

Likewise with Perumda Tugu Aneka Usaha, according to the bespectacled man, in the future it should optimize its performance, help or assist UMKM actors and in general can support development programs in Malang City. (say/yon)

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