
Malang City Police Chief Invites to Create Public Order and Security

Starfruit ( – When opening the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme Building an Anti-Hoax, Crime, Drugs and Radicalism Society in Malang City at the Savana Hotel in Malang City, Monday (28/12/2020), Malang City Police Chief Senior Commissioner Leonardus Simarmata invited all elements of society starting from the RT-RW level to always be vigilant. This is because the Malang City area is still prone to acts of intolerance such as radicalism which will lead to terrorism. 

Malang City Police Chief Senior Commissioner of Police Leonardus Simarmata group photo after opening the FGD

Together with the TNI-Polri, Kapolresta Leonardus requested that self-security must continue to be improved, especially in the run-up to the New Year celebrations like now. "D"From a number of previous incidents such as in 2016 and 2018, Malang Raya became a target and a place for terrorists to nest and there were many arrests in several places," he said. 

Anticipation of security starting from the RT-RW level, he said, is the front guard in realizing public security and order. In addition, the spread of fake news or hoaxes, drug abuse and various crimes are prone to occur ahead of the New Year's moment.

In relation to this, the Malang City Police Chief together with the Kodim Commander and the Lanal Malang Commander also immediately conducted inspections to a number of service and security posts. This step is to ensure the readiness of the personnel who are also equipped with complete weapons in realizing security for the community.

Places that are suspected and suspected of being locations for intolerant elements receive special attention from officers, including if there is a suspicious meeting, it will be followed up immediately.

"The nature of intolerance will develop into radicalism which will eventually create terrorists. We need to detect meeting places and then places where they also plan terror activities. Then places like making bombs, using firearms or sharp weapons will be anticipated," Leonardus explained.

For residents who see and suspect any indication of intolerance, they are advised to immediately report to officers or to the RT-RW head or the local police. Likewise, for the 2021 New Year celebrations that gather large crowds are not allowed and those who violate will be disbanded. 

"We appeal to all parties to obey all appeals from the Malang City Forkopimda for the sake of regional security and conduciveness. If there are parties who violate, they will be dealt with firmly according to applicable regulations. In this case, it is also an effort to suppress the spread of the virus and Covid-19 cases," concluded the Police Chief. (say/yon)

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