Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko, Deputy Mayor of Malang attended the Inauguration & January Board Meeting of JCI (Junior Chamber International) Brawijaya on Saturday (09/01). Also present at this activity were the Deputy Chairman of the Malang Regency DPRD, Miskat. Chairman of the East Java KNPI, Fajar Ridwan Hisjam. And, the Chairman of the Malang City Youth Organization, Suryadi. Also present online were the Head of the Batu City BPBD and the local president of JCI from several neighboring countries.

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is the world's largest international organization affiliated with the United Nations. This organization is an international community with members aged between 18 - 40 years old that aims to create a positive movement driven by young people around the world. JCI wants to contribute to society and is very open to prospective members from various backgrounds.
In his speech, Deputy Mayor of Malang, Sofyan Edi Jarwoko said that the role of youth is important and strategic as a subject for the future of the Indonesian nation, especially in this decade the productive age in Indonesia is quite high.
This needs to be supported by competent human resources capacity. The involvement of youth is also considered important to face various challenges in society. One of the highlights of the Deputy Mayor is the unemployment rate in Malang City which is quite high
"This is a challenge for the future, how to prepare the younger generation to be able to create jobs through business activities, one of which has been initiated and also given as an example by JCI," said the man who is familiarly called Bung Edi.
He further stated that Malang City has been designated as a creative city based on digital and technology. This year, the plan is to build the Malang Creative Center, which is a gathering place for creative young people, who are not only from Malang but can come from all over the archipelago and the world. It is hoped that Malang City youth will be born who are independent, creative and innovative, have superior character, noble morals, responsible, and competitive, so that the position and role of young people can be increasingly prominent in providing benefits for the progress of Malang City.
Young people need to join the organization, because fighting individually will certainly experience many limitations and shortcomings. These obstacles can be overcome by collaboration of the interests and talents of the members of the organization.
JCI Brawijaya is proof that the right youth organization is able to make changes on a large scale, because the JCI network has spread throughout the world and has sufficient power to make positive changes throughout the world.
In this activity held at the Atria Hotel, Malang, the inauguration of the 2021 JCI Brawijaya management was carried out.
The Deputy Mayor hopes that JCI Brawijaya can become a youth organization that works together with the Malang City government in an effort to motivate and empower the youth of Malang City to develop new skills, realize the spirit of leadership in the younger generation, and mobilize human resources effectively and professionally.
"Be the host in your own country, don't be a spectator in your own country. Play a role, take strategic roles for the progress of Malang City that we love. Therefore, young people must be wise and should be pioneers of change," said Sofyan Edi Jarwako at the end of his speech.