
Covid Data Synchronization, Mayor Urges All Parties to Coordinate More

Monday, January 11, 2021, the Mayor of Malang together with the Forkopimda held a coordination meeting for the synchronization of Covid-19 data. The activity, which was held on the 4th Floor of the New Building of Malang City Hall, was also attended by representatives of sub-districts, health centers, and several hospitals providing PCR examination services.

The Mayor of Malang, H. Sutiaji conveyed three important points discussed in this meeting. The three points are: the increasing number of positive cases, the increasing death rate, and the data of positive patients that are difficult to verify.

The Mayor of Malang together with the Forkopimda held a coordination meeting to synchronize Covid-19 data

In this coordination meeting, it was discovered that the high number of deaths was because patients who came to the hospital were already experiencing a decline in condition, such as low saturation so that patients needed ventilators. Another thing that was highlighted in this meeting was that health centers sometimes had difficulty verifying. This data asynchronous often occurs when health centers are waiting for final data. Patient data is also sometimes inconsistent, so when it is verified and traced, officers have difficulty. Many patients' data does not match, for example, the reported telephone number cannot be contacted, the address written on the ID card does not match. This kind of data makes it difficult for officers in the field. "The amount of data we have, not all positive cases can be verified. Sometimes health centers do not immediately report the number of cases, usually they wait until all verification is complete before reporting. I ask for it to be reported immediately so that later we will also understand that the recovery rate is also getting higher," said the Mayor.

"With the implementation of PPKM, currently it is no longer 3 M that is applied, but 5 M," the Mayor's appeal at the end of this coordination meeting. For information, the 5 M in question are wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and limiting mobility. This mobility restriction is considered very important and with the existence of PPKM it is hoped that it can be realized.

After the coordination meeting, in front of the media, H. Sutiaji also said that currently the city government is planning and proposing 10 community leaders, planned for January 14 or 15. This is to convince the public that this vaccination is safe. The target recipients of the proposed vaccine are those aged 19-59 years, those who are not a priority are pregnant women, people with comorbidities, and those who have been exposed.

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