
Reviewing Flood and Landslide Locations, Mayor Instructs to Increase Drainage Capacity and Repair Bridges

The Mayor of Malang conducted a review of flood points in the Arjowinangun Village area on Wednesday (13/01/2021) accompanied by the Assistant for Economic and Development, Head of the PKP PUPR Service, Head of Public Relations, local Sub-district Heads and Village Heads and related staff to review two locations affected by yesterday's heavy rain.

The first location visited was the flood point in the Arjowinangun Village area. In the inspection, several things were identified as the cause of the flood, namely the existing drainage was covered by sediment, there were residents' buildings above the drainage, the drainage lip was higher than the road, and there was water from other areas.


The Mayor of Malang conducted an inspection at the flood point in the Arjowinangun Subdistrict area

In response to this, the Mayor of Malang immediately coordinated in the field with the relevant agencies so that in the near future they could immediately handle the disturbances that reduce the function of existing drainage and increase drainage capacity.

After reviewing the flood location, the Mayor and his entourage continued their activities by checking the landslide in Bandulan Village.

The Mayor and his entourage continued their activities by checking the landslide in Bandulan Village.

At the point of Jalan Bandulan Gg 1 due to the landslide disaster, there are residents' houses buried under material. Not far from that point, the Bandulan Baru road bridge also collapsed.

"It turns out that it was because the rainfall was so heavy and long, that the water from above hit here, which eventually became porous and collapsed," said Sutiaji.

Regarding the condition, the Mayor asked the PUPR Department of Malang City to immediately repair the bridge because it is very much needed by the surrounding community. The repair is targeted to be completed before the anniversary of Malang City.

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