Malang, ( – Malang City has an umbrella maestro named Rasimun or familiarly called Mbah Mun who is currently 97 years old and is lying in one of the hospitals in this city. For his various works in the form of making paper and cloth umbrellas, the arts and culture community that is part of Karya Bumi Ngalam or Kabunga initiated a market called the umbrella market.

This market was launched on Saturday (20/02/2021) next to the umbrella maestro's house on Jalan Laksda Adi Sucipto Gang Taruna III, Blimbing District and received positive appreciation from the Youth, Sports and Tourism Office (Disporapar) of Malang City. The existence of this market is a form of appreciation and recognition for Mbah Mun because even in his old age he still presents his best works.
Head of Disporapar, Dr. Ida Ayu Made Wahyuni, SH., M.Si said that so far the workshop has been carried out by the Kabunga community, so this is an embryo for production development when there is an order for this umbrella. "We really appreciate and give high appreciation to Mbah Mun and his works are very appreciative," he added.
The way to socialize and market the work of Mbah Mun, explained Ida, is actually very easy, such as working together with the Department of Education and Culture, and students are given workshops. Then they are competed in terms of the neatness of their umbrellas, after that a dance is held, the umbrella dance so that it can develop.
According to Ida, the Disporapar will also help as much as possible so that this umbrella market also has a positive impact on local residents with the emergence of a number of other business opportunities. For example, local residents will sell other unique souvenirs while still carrying the theme of Mbah Mun's umbrella. The Kabunga Community is also encouraged to be more creative and innovative in managing this market so that it is in demand by the public and becomes a tourist destination for art markets.
Meanwhile, Kabunga Community Coordinator Yuyun Sulastri said the market, which will only be opened every Saturday, will introduce visitors to various works by Mbah Mun and those interested can buy. The price of the umbrellas is set from Rp10 thousand to hundreds of thousands of rupiah.
Various accessories, he explained, such as mini umbrellas, umbrella-shaped key chains and umbrella-shaped masks will be present in this market. In addition, umbrella-making training will also be held so that Mbah Mun will always be remembered throughout time. "For the sale of various products, we will do it online and conventionally," he explained.
"I hope our umbrella market will be one of the embryos so that later an art market or tourist market will be built in Malang City. Because we need a place like that. If it is as proposed yesterday, it can be built at Madyopuro Terminal as direct access from the toll road, then I am sure that the economic recovery in Malang City from art and culture will be formed," explained Yuyun. (say/ram)