Malang, ( – The Manpower, Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Agency (Disnaker PMPTSP) of Malang City held employee education and training based on their duties and functions at Shanaya Resort Malang on February 26-27, 2021. This training is to explore the derivative regulations of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. So that Malang City is expected not to be left behind in implementing the law.

Head of Disnaker PMPTSP, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT when opening the event, Friday (26/02/2021) said that this training is very important to improve a number of Malang City Government services to the public, especially online services. "Fast and effective service is currently a demand and requirement for various parties. So that all of that will have a positive impact on all sectors. Including in efforts to increase investment," added Erik.
Therefore, all personnel of the Disnaker PMPTSP apparatus were quarantined for two days to be able to absorb all the rules for implementing Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. "We maximize all kinds of things and we study them, then what needs to be followed up immediately to be executed as soon as possible," added Erik.
"We also hope that all regulations, from regional regulations, mayoral regulations, to our daily SOPs, will be updated after this technical guidance. The material is all the implementing regulations of the Job Creation Law. Primarily, those related to the implementation of business licensing services," he explained.
Erik hopes that in these two days the participants will gain philosophy, because they will also directly practice the new online licensing service application. The resource person is also directly from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). The hope is that the level of ease of doing business in Malang City will increase and the investment value will increase.
"The absorption of investment value means that business licensing services are also increasing. Many people are trying, once people try, the wheels of the economy roll and there is maximum absorption of labor for the community," concluded Erik. (say/ram)