
Micro PPKM Volume II Malang City is considered successful

Malang, ( –  When the virtual evaluation of the implementation of the second phase of the Micro-Scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) was held at the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) in Malang City, Friday (19/03/2021) between the East Java Forkopimda and the districts/cities, Malang City was considered successful in implementing the program in an effort to suppress Covid-19 cases.

Malang Mayor, Drs. H. Sutiaji (center) closely follows the evaluation of the implementation of micro PPKM with the East Java Forkopimda virtually at the Ngalam Commander Center (NCC) Malang City

Covid-19 cases such as decreasing death rates and increasing recovery rates are one of the benchmarks of the evaluation. So that when other districts/cities must submit their achievements and evaluation results to the East Java Forkopimda. In this case, Malang City did not present and only followed the event.

The statement was delivered by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji after attending the event. According to him, although it is considered good, various efforts are still being made to continue to suppress Covid-19 cases.

For your information, based on data from the Covid-19 Task Force as of March 18 2021, the recovery rate in the first Micro PPKM in Malang City was 89,30 percent, in the second phase of Micro PPKM it increased to 89,90 percent. Meanwhile, the number of deaths in the first PPKM was 23 people and in the second PPKM it decreased to 15 people. Of the 4273 RTs, 4156 were in the green zone, 117 in the yellow zone, none or zero in the yellow and red zones.

Although the Covid-19 case data in Malang City is considered good, Sutiaji explained, his party will continue to intensify efforts to suppress various Covid-19 cases together with Forkopimda and related elements. Such as by disciplining the community in implementing health protocols, and appeals through various media or facilities will be intensified again. "Thus, the community's economy will continue to grow," he explained.

Community activities, said the bespectacled man, will slowly begin to be permitted, such as music concerts, as long as they do not violate health protocols so as not to trigger new problems later. However, until now there have been no parties who have submitted a request.

"Likewise with face-to-face schools that will soon be simulated, so that the world of education continues to move and many groups, especially parents, have asked for it to be implemented immediately," he concluded. (say/ram)

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