
Tegal City DPRD Discusses Release of Local Government Asset Land in Malang City

Malang, ( – Special Committee (Pansus) 5 of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of Tegal City, Central Java, which is in charge of land, conducted a working visit to the Malang City Government. The group was led by Wasmad Edy Susilo, SH as Deputy Chairman of the Tegal City DPRD and accompanied by representatives of the Regional Finance Agency, DPUPR, and the Legal Section of Tegal City.

Drs. Mulyono, M.Si, Assistant for Government and Public Welfare of the Malang City Regional Secretariat received a working visit from the Special Committee (Pansus) 5 of the Tegal City DPRD, Central Java

Wasmad Edy Susilo explained the purpose of the working visit of the Special Committee 5 of Tegal City to the Malang City Government, namely to increase insight, exchange ideas and experiences and find out the strategy of Malang City in releasing regional government asset land to the community.

"Hopefully we can learn about Malang City's strategy in responding to and resolving the issue of local government land controlled or used by the community. So that it can be input for us in making decisions or policies while still considering the interests of the community," he said.

Meanwhile, this visit was received by the Assistant for Government and Public Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of Malang City, Drs. Mulyono, M.Si at Malang City Hall, Monday (22/03/2021). In his presentation, Mulyono said that Malang City has 6.217 plots of land controlled by the Malang City Government. However, most of them have not been certified and are used by the community for residential businesses, even industry.

Unlike Tegal City, which has emerging lands, one of which is due to coastal abrasion, Malang City does not have emerging lands controlled by the community. Mulyono said that since 1998, the Malang City Government has no longer released land.

"What is crucial is the origin of the land, so whatever the situation, the land controlled by the local government must be secured first. Unless someone can show that it is theirs, please go ahead," he continued.

However, he said that there is a legal basis that can be used for the land release process, namely Government Regulation Number 27 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for BMN/BMD Management and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 19 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for BMD Management.

"If you want to release land, start by tracing the origin of the land. Although the community has occupied it for more than 20 years, even before independence, it can be seen from one of the Indonesian verponding," he said.

Verponding is one of the land law products during the Dutch colonial era in Indonesia which states a person's ownership of land. Administration during the Dutch era was very good. Verponding Indonesia, in the form of land tax during the colonial era.

"If the community controls the land owned by the local government and has a verponding, take it to the BPN and it can immediately become a certificate," concluded Mulyono. (ari/ram)

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