
This is the Malang City Development Program in 2022

Malang, ( – The direction of the Malang City Government's policies in 2022 includes increasing access to and quality of education, health and other basic services, maintaining the stability of purchasing power and social protection, improving economic infrastructure and socio-economic facilities and infrastructure, as well as strengthening the community's creative industry and socio-economic independence.

The Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji, began his commitment statement in the Musrenbang

These are some of the things conveyed by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji in the 2022 Musrenbang for the Malang City Regional Apparatus Work Plan (RKPD) with the theme of increasing access and quality of basic services, strengthening the community's creative industry, and socio-economic recovery, as well as increasing integrated infrastructure at the Savana Hotel, Wednesday (24/03/2021).

Meanwhile, the development priorities in 2022, explained the bespectacled man, include health services and optimizing education during the pandemic/new normal era. In addition, optimizing community empowerment and the performance of resilient sub-districts/villages, integrated infrastructure development, and economic recovery by growing and improving the creative economy are also important concerns.

To achieve and realize all of that, said Mayor Sutiaji, of course it is not easy and there are challenges that must be overcome. Such as accelerating the achievement of the final target of the RPJMD period, resolving the main problems that are currently occurring and how to handle the pandemic and economic recovery.

"Therefore, in working, it must not be according to routine but there must be creativity and innovation. So that we can be successful, and there are significant changes in our lives," he appealed.

"Everything must start from how we prepare planning from the starting point, the future and utilization of sophisticated technology must be balanced with good morals. Because in the future the challenges of this nation will be greater. If all of that can be implemented well, then a harmonious and prosperous society will be built," continued Sutiaji.

In this musrenbang, the proposals received from various elements reached 4.865 and will later use a priority scale in its implementation. For example, those that are already on the agenda of the 2022 Malang City RKPD strategic plan are the Tlogomas Bridge to reduce traffic congestion in the western area of ​​Malang City, the Malang Creative Center to provide an incubation platform for creative economy sub-sector actors.

"In an effort to restore the economy and strengthen people's competitiveness, revitalization of people's markets will be carried out. To reduce flooding, infiltration wells will be built in a number of schools and 10 wells in each sub-district," explained Sutiaji.

Apart from that, what is also of concern is the construction of a shortcut on Jalan Saxofone and Sawojajar and the allocation of gender mainstreaming in sub-districts, as a form of empowerment commitment with a budget allocation of up to IDR 200 million for each sub-district.

"To maximize public services, government administration, revenue, finance and system integration, digitalization of services is the solution. Drainage development in flood-prone areas is also a major concern for the Malang City Government," Sutiaji explained.

To support and realize all of that, at this moment a joint agreement was also signed with various parties. Among them are the Malang City Police, Kodim 0833 Malang City, Malang District Attorney's Office, Malang City DPRD, academics and others. (say/ram)

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