
Five Sub-districts of Malang City Become Nominees for 2021 Village and Sub-district Competition

Klojen, ( – In 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs is again holding the Village and Sub-district Competition. This competition is a stage of evaluating the development of villages and sub-districts, as well as assessing the development of government, territorial, and community administration that is developing in the region. In Malang City, five sub-districts have been selected as nominees, namely Wonokoyo, Gadingkasri, Gadang, Jodipan, and Ketawanggede.

The Malang City Village and Sub-district Development Assessment Team verified Gadang Sub-district data via Zoom Meeting

This tiered competition carries the theme 'Villages and Sub-districts Rise, Healthy, Advanced and Prosperous during the Covid-19 Pandemic'. This competition emphasizes that local governments should pay attention to innovations carried out by village and sub-district governments. Especially in the sociological dynamics due to non-natural disasters, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, it must also continue to pay attention to village and sub-district innovations and the development of e-government in improving services for the community.

In this competition guidebook, the goal is to evaluate, assess, and encourage village and sub-district governments to optimize the potential in their areas. In addition, it is also to find out the achievements in villages and sub-districts during a period of one year in realizing improvements in the quality of life of the community.

Head of the Government Section of the Malang City Regional Secretariat, Drs. Fahmi Fauzan AZ, M. Si said that during this pandemic there were also three things that were the main points in the assessment of this year's competition, namely handling health issues such as implementing health protocols, social life including the provision of social assistance and mutual cooperation in the sub-district, and finally related to the sub-district's efforts in restoring the community's economy.

"The Malang City Government has formed an evaluation team as a jury in the 2021 Village and Sub-district Competition at the Malang City Level," said Fahmi at the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) Malang City Hall, Tuesday (20/4/2021).

According to him, the evaluation of village and sub-district development is indeed related to the village and sub-district competition held by the center. The ranking is carried out in stages, starting from the sub-district level to the sub-districts in each region.

"After that, at the city level, an evaluation team was formed and consisted of related regional apparatus, TP PKK, academics, and practitioners," explained Fahmi.

To determine the winner, the evaluation team verified the data entry related to the conditions of each sub-district that had been inputted into the epdeskel application. "This verification activity was carried out offline with direct visits to four nominating sub-districts and one nominating sub-district data verification was carried out online," said Fahmi.

The village development evaluation team conducted a field visit to evaluate and verify the development of the village with the Gadang Village as the locus online via zoom meeting. "Gadang Village is the last nominee whose data was evaluated and verified at the city level. Previously, there were four nominee villages whose data had been evaluated and verified through direct field visits," he concluded. (ari/ram)

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