
Minister of Transportation Invites East Java Residents to Comply with Homecoming Ban Rules

Malang, ( – East Java is one of the provinces that has attracted the attention of the central government in implementing the homecoming ban this year. This is proven by the holding of a special coordination meeting by the Transportation Agency with the Forkopimda ranks in the East Java region.

Forkopimda Malang City attended a virtual coordination meeting with the Minister of Transportation from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) building, Malang City Hall

The coordination meeting held virtually on Monday (03/05/2021) was led by Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi. The meeting was also attended by the Malang City Forkopimda from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) building in the Malang City Hall area.

According to the Minister of Transportation, the homecoming ban regulation has gone through various considerations and agreements from several parties. Such as the direction of President Joko Widodo, the policy of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), the Covid-19 Task Force (Satgas), the Disaster Management Agency (BNPB, Kemendagri) and the Ministry of Transportation itself.

"In addition to controlling Covid-19, the issuance of this regulation is also to spur economic growth. In its implementation, this is not the domain of the center but the regions, especially East Java which responded well to this policy," explained Minister Budi Karya.

East Java, he said, is one of the most popular homecoming destinations. At least two million people are expected to go home and in this case the risk of virus transmission is very high. Therefore, homecoming flow blocking is carried out at various district/city borders.

However, Budi Karya appealed that in carrying out the blockade it should be humanistic and not repressive so as not to cause new problems. "Officers must provide good and rational explanations to the public. Don't let there be any viral incidents on social media triggered by bad communication," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of East Java, Elistianto Emil Dardak, said that all residents must comply with the rules prohibiting homecoming, even though it may be a bit difficult because they cannot celebrate Eid in their villages with their families.

For workers who are assigned out of town, Emil explained, they must complete various documents, such as a permit from the agency where they work. Meanwhile, for residents who are forced to go home, they must pocket a certificate from the local village head/sub-district head.

"For residents or transportation service providers who violate this rule, they will be subject to fines, social, imprisonment and/or criminal sanctions that will be stipulated in the regional regulation/gubernatorial regulation. Meanwhile, personnel who are on standby from various elements including for blocking are 6.182 personnel," explained Emil.

To support this program, the Head of the Malang City Transportation Agency, Heru Mulyono, S.IP., MT said that his party will continue to coordinate with related elements, especially the TNI-Polri. "We will also conduct intensive socialization of this homecoming ban so that residents understand why this regulation was issued by the government," he explained.

Meanwhile, for the blockade, he said, it will be carried out at the toll gate in Lesanpuro and will be tested soon. "This blockade will start from May 6 to 21, and anyone who violates it will be subject to strict sanctions. This is all for the common good, namely in an effort to suppress Covid-19 cases, where in the past few weeks there has been an increasing trend," concluded Heru.

Present at the meeting were the Head of the Malang City Transportation Agency, Dandim 0833 Malang City, Head of Traffic Police of Malang City Police, and the Head of the Malang City Communication and Informatics Agency (Diskominfo). (say/ram)

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