
Responding to Pandemic Dynamics, Malang City Government Adjusts Development Indicator Targets

Klojen ( – Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji opened the Cross-Regional Device Forum for Changes to the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan which was held at the Ijen Suites Hotel, Malang City, Wednesday (19/5/2021).

 Regional Cross-Department Forum on changes to the 2018-2023 strategic plan

In the activity initiated by the Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), the Mayor of Malang revealed that the global Covid-19 pandemic caused changes and adjustments to the achievements and indicators of the 2018-2023 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

"This is based on the target from the center, because currently all have entered the economic recovery, so many activities are heading there. So when the RPJMD changes, the Renstra must change," said Sutiaji.

He added that there were 17 regions experiencing changes to the RPJMD because there were adjustments to the targets. According to him, this is because they have now entered the new normal position.

"In the President's direction, it is impossible for us to move, it is impossible for the economy to grow, it is impossible for our lives to be normal if we do not (comply) with the Covid-19 protocol. We want to change the RPJMD but when discipline is not strengthened, this non-sense can run well. Please, Mr. Village Head, Mr. Sub-district Head who deal directly with the community, never be careless because the community is all kinds of things," he said.

The Mayor of Malang also mentioned that Malang City has good human resource potential. "The problem is how to manage and organize, and be consistent. Don't be satisfied with what we are currently doing and achieving together," he continued.

The changes to the RPJMD followed by changes to the Renstra have been implemented by almost all regencies/cities in Indonesia. The changes to the RPJMD of Malang City for 2018-2023 focus on changes to the target performance indicators of goals and objectives, namely: human development index (HDI), education index, health index, economic growth, gini ratio, and poverty rate.

Several RPJMD work indicators are adjusted to the current situation and conditions. Like the 2021 Human Development Index which was initially targeted at 83 percent, has now been changed to 81,705 percent. Likewise, economic growth which was initially 5 percent is now 85 percent.

"Likewise with the following years, namely 2022 and 2023. There will definitely be a decrease in the target from what was originally set," added Sutiaji.

The Mayor of Malang also continues to encourage Regional Apparatus to innovate. "I convey that innovation, innovation, and innovation. People who innovate, the first requirement is to have strong idealism and belief, that our lives are better and we can. The second is to introspect. Ultimately, innovation is not for one's own interests but for the interests of society. And the third is to keep doing it, keep doing it, be consistent," he said.

Collaboration, he said, is now a necessity to make us strong. The pentahelix that has now become the hexahelix is ​​strengthened. "The goal is innovation that has an impact on society," he said.

The Mayor of Malang expects Bappeda as the leading sector to be willing and able to remind the Regional Apparatus if there is anything that is not in accordance with the guidelines for compiling changes to the Renstra. So the regional apparatus can involve stakeholders so that their strategic plans can be better and of higher quality.

The Mayor of Malang emphasized that there are several important points that must be understood by all regional apparatuses, such as the rules for compiling and documenting the strategic plan. Regional apparatuses must also deeply understand all programs, activities, and sub-activities.

In addition, regional apparatus must also understand in detail the targets, performance indicators, problems, and strategic issues of regional apparatus. Finally, the Mayor of Malang asked regional apparatus to understand the exact budget ceiling needs, not only in the current year, but until the end of the Renstra period.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Malang City Bappeda, Dwi Rahayu, SH, M.Hum, in his report revealed that the Cross-Regional Device Forum was held as a follow-up to the changes to the Malang City RPJMD 2018-2023 which are currently being implemented.

"The aim is to obtain suggestions and input so that the contents of the 2018-2023 regional apparatus strategic plan document are better and more complete, which is a manifestation of the work and performance of regional apparatus," said Dwi.

The Cross-Regional Apparatus Forum for the 2018-2023 Renstra Change was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko, the Regional Secretary of Malang Ir. Hadi Santoso, Deputy Chairman of the Malang City DPRD, Heads of Regional Apparatus within the Malang City Government, and other invitees. (ari/yon)



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