
In May 2021, Malang City Experienced 0,14 Percent Inflation

Malang ( – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Malang City noted that in May 2021, Malang City experienced inflation of 0,14 percent. Meanwhile, inflation throughout 2021 until May was at 0,37 percent. Year-on-year (yoy) inflation, namely the percentage change in the consumer price index (CPI) in May 2021 compared to May 2020, was 1,35 percent.

Head of BPS Malang City, Erny Fatma Setyoharini, when delivering the results of the May 2021 inflation release via zoom meeting

This was conveyed by the Head of BPS Malang City, Erny Fatma Setyoharini on Wednesday, (02/6/2021). In the May 2021 inflation release held via Zoom Meeting, it was also conveyed that for the expenditure group, the highest inflation occurred in the personal care and other services expenditure group.

"This group experienced an increase of 0,68 percent and contributed to inflation of 0,04 percent. Inflation also occurred in the household equipment, tools, and routine maintenance group by 0,67 percent and the clothing and footwear group by 0,65 percent," said Erny Fatma Setyoharini.

Erny continued that the transportation expenditure group experienced inflation of 0,34 percent. The recreation, sports, and culture expenditure group experienced an increase of 0,11 percent. An increase also occurred in the food, beverage, and tobacco group and the information, communication, and financial services group at 0,05 percent.

Meanwhile, the housing, water, electricity, and other fuel expenditure group experienced deflation of 0,01 percent. Likewise, the health group experienced a decline of 0,82 percent. "For the education expenditure group and also the food and beverage/restaurant expenditure group, there was no change," Enny continued.

Enny said that inflation in May was closely related to the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. "People's behavior is more consumptive during the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, causing most commodities and services to experience price increases which have an impact on inflation in May 2021," she explained.

The main commodity contributing to inflation in May 2021 was broiler chicken meat which increased by 4,19 percent. In addition, the inflation rate in Malang City last May was also driven by an increase in the price of Muslim women's clothing by 7,26 percent, filtered kretek cigarettes by 1,74 percent, gold jewelry by 2,38 percent, and air transportation by 1,71 percent.

Meanwhile, several commodities experienced price declines and inhibited inflation in Malang City. Cayenne pepper experienced the highest price decline of 28,10 percent, followed by red chili whose price fell by 21,05 percent. Several other commodities were also recorded to have experienced price declines, such as prescription drugs by 5,34 percent, chicken eggs by 4,05 percent, and rice by 0,70 percent. (ari/ram)

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