Malang, ( – The moral decadence of today's society is extraordinary. In the era of information technology advancement, there are still many and easy people who reveal the shame or ugliness of others. And from all of that, they get personal benefits.
The community, especially in Malang City, is also very heterogeneous. Starting from their nature, attitudes, and behaviors, they are also diverse. All of that must be controlled so as not to cause and trigger a problem. Therefore, the existence of Islamic boarding schools and a person's faith in this context are at stake.
These are some of the things conveyed by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji when attending the 51st Haul of the Miftahul Huda Islamic Boarding School on Jl. Gading Pesantren No. 38, Malang City, Sunday (06/06/2021).
"The kiai, ulama, and community leaders must play an active role and never tire of creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere for the people," said the man who is also an alumnus of the Islamic boarding school known as Pesantren Gading.
The bespectacled man also expressed his concerns regarding the eroding morals of children. The reason is, currently many children do not respect their parents, teachers, and older people.
Sutiaji said again that Islamic boarding schools are the solution of choice for forming and giving birth to a dignified generation of the nation.
At the end of his speech, the number one person in the Malang City Government advised all citizens to remain vigilant. This is in connection with the notification from BMKG which said there would be an indication of a large-scale earthquake.
"Let us be vigilant and pray that all of that does not happen. But if the Almighty wills it, it will not have a big impact," he said.
The 51st Haul of Miftahul Huda Islamic Boarding School was intended for the late KH Moch. Yahya Wa Zaujatih, KHA Dimyathi Ayatullah Yahya Wa Zaujatih, KH Abd. Adzim Aminullah Yahya Wa Zaujatih, KH Abdurrohim Amrullah Yahya, and KH Abdurrahman Yahya. (say/yon)