
This is the Commitment of Malang City Government in the World of Education

Malang ( – The Malang City Government together with all regional apparatuses will continue to strive to provide the best service to the community, both direct and online services or services that use advances in information technology. Including services in the field of education, so that the quality and quality of education in this city will be even better in the future.

Regional Secretary of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT explained efforts to improve the world of education in Malang City during an audience with MCW and representatives of parents.

This was conveyed by the Regional Secretary of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT during an audience with representatives of Malang Corruption Watch (MCW) members in the Malang Mayor's meeting room, Friday (2/7/2021). Together with representatives of parents and education observers, this time MCW facilitated a number of problems faced by the community when accepting new students at the elementary and junior high school levels.

The Head of the Public Education Unit of MCW Ahmad Adi said that the openness of information in the world of education should be more transparent. The implementation of zoning for new student admissions should receive more attention and related to website activation in schools should be optimized again.

Regarding this matter, Regional Secretary Erik said that his party would help or facilitate what the community's problems were, such as optimizing service innovations using the latest technology.

"In this case, we continue to process and it takes a long time. With this technology, in addition to realizing openness, it will also make it easier for the public to access any information," he explained.

Malang City Government will accommodate whatever the community's problems are and then will be forwarded to the relevant agencies. In solving a problem, of course it cannot be unilateral because it is related to other regional devices.

"With the use of information technology, our current homework is to strengthen public literacy. So that what is conveyed and programmed by the government is linear with the needs of the community," explained the man who is also a former Acting. Diskominfo of Malang City.

Head of the Malang City Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud), Suwarjana, SE., MM, said that his office would be open to anyone and would provide the best service to all levels of society.

"My office is open as wide as possible for anyone and we will be transparent in providing services. The public can also utilize the complaint post in our office, if there are problems related to education and we will definitely follow up," he said.

As long as the community can cooperate and fulfill the requirements when registering their children in school or providing compensation, such as from underprivileged families, they will definitely be facilitated.

"However, all requirements must be met, for example a certificate from the RT head, RW head, local village head, having a Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and registered as a Family Hope Program (PKH)," concluded Suwarjana. (say/ram)

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