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Central Government Encourages Acceleration of Social Assistance Distribution

Klojen ( – The East Java Provincial Government held a Coordination Meeting (Rakor) for the Acceleration of Social Assistance (Bansos) Realization with district/city governments in East Java, Thursday (22/7/2021). The Malang City Government attended the coordination meeting from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) of Malang City Hall.

Virtual coordination meeting to accelerate the realization of social assistance delivery

Present at this coordination meeting were the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar, Director General of Balance of the Ministry of Finance Astrea Primanto Bakti, Director General of Regional Financial Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs Dr. Mochamad Ardian NMSi. Meanwhile, from the East Java Provincial Government, it was attended by the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Acting Regional Secretary of the East Java Provincial Government Heru Tjahjono.

Director General of Balance of the Ministry of Finance Astrea Primanto Bakti revealed that the development of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) is very dynamic. Through this activity, it is hoped that there will be a common vision for handling and accelerating social protection programs.

"Social protection programs are provided to help poor people affected by the pandemic or socio-economic crisis," explained Astrea.

The total budget for direct cash assistance (BLT) for villages is IDR 28,8 trillion targeting 8 million poor families or Beneficiary Families (PKM). In this case, the Ministry of Finance continues to push to accelerate the implementation of village funds and BLT villages so that the benefits can be felt as soon as possible by the community.

From the existing records for the village BLT fund of Rp28,8 trillion that has been absorbed, it has been realized at Rp6,11 trillion or around 21,2 percent. Seeing this data, acceleration must be carried out to handle the Covid-19 pandemic better.

As directed by President Joko Widodo, it is not only village BLT that must be accelerated immediately. But also the acceleration of the use of funds in the APBD to help the community. The hope is that the community can be helped, especially for areas that are included in the implementation of PPKM Level 4.

Meanwhile, Mendes PDTT Abdul Halim Iskandar said he continues to support efforts to accelerate the delivery of aid. Because this is very important to do so that it can immediately stimulate health and the economy.

"Village funds are currently focused on three things, first for BLT village funds, handling Covid-19, and reviving village cash work. All of that is done to support village health and economy," said Halim.
Abdul Halim Iskandar also encouraged the East Java Government to immediately distribute BLT village funds. So that the economic turnover of residents can run well in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. (cah/ram)

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