Malang ( – Based on the World Bank report in 2020, Indonesia is ranked 73rd out of 190 countries in terms of ease of doing business. This means that the business licensing process in this country is already in the easy category. However, that category is not enough because this predicate must be able to be improved again and again, namely from easy to very easy.

Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji and his staff when attending the launch of the risk-based OSS system by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo virtually from the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) building, Malang City Hall

Especially for MSMEs so that the economy continues to grow and opens up wider employment opportunities. The statement was made by Indonesian President Joko Widodo during the virtual launch of the Online Single Submission (OSS) risk-based system on Monday (9/8/2021). The type of permit will be adjusted to the level of risk, where the risk between MSMEs and large businesses is certainly different.

"From this integrated, fast, easy and uncomplicated online service, the investment climate will be even better. Therefore, every regional head should be able to utilize this service well and with discipline," added the number one person in Indonesia.

The President, who is often called Jokowi, emphasized that this system is not to castrate regional authority but rather to provide service standards for both central and regional governments. So that the responsibilities are clearer and the services are more synergistic. The President also said that his party would monitor the implementation of this service system.

Regarding bureaucratic reform in licensing services, this was welcomed by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji. This system, he said, will be an instrument that helps determine competitiveness, grow investment and encourage economic growth.

His party will soon discuss with a number of parties, such as business actors and the DPRD, so that the investment and economic growth targets which will ultimately also open up new jobs will be realized properly.

Furthermore, the bespectacled man said that the OSS system in Malang City has been implemented for a long time, and today is only a symbolic launch by the central government. From this service system, explained Mayor Sutiaji, there are many rules that must be understood by a number of parties. There are at least around 74 laws that must be explained to become regional regulations (perda).

"Therefore, there must be a special coordination meeting with related parties, so that the implementation of this regulation is not dull and business actors and MSME actors can continue to grow. On the other hand, later there will also be many investors who want to invest if the licensing process can be easier, faster and more transparent," concluded Sutiaji. (say/ram)

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