Malang ( – On Tuesday (17/8/2021), remission was given to 134.430 prisoners and juveniles. In the Malang Women's Correctional Institution (LPP) itself, there were 371 prisoners who received remission and three of them were immediately released. General remission is given to prisoners during the commemoration of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, which is every August 17.

After the remission was granted, the Head of LPP Malang, Tri Anna Aryati, took a photo with her staff and several inmates who received remission.

Based on Law Number 12 of 1995, remission means a reduction in the sentence. A similar definition is also regulated in Permenkumham Number 3 of 2018, which explains that a reduction in the sentence can be given to prisoners and children in conflict with the law. The types of remission in Permenkumham are General Remission, Special Remission, Humanitarian Remission, Additional Remission, and Follow-up Remission.

Head of LPP Malang Tri Anna Aryati expressed her great hopes for the inmates who are still serving their remaining sentences at LPP Malang. "This remission is expected to be a motivation for inmates to continue to behave well and play an active role in participating in the coaching programs at LPP Malang, as well as implementing the rules in the prison," she said.

All inmates, explained the woman in hijab, have been equipped with various knowledge and skills. So that they can be provisions when they later return to the community. "In addition to being accepted and behaving well, they are expected to be able to open new businesses," said Anna. (say/ram)

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