Malang ( – On September 18, PWI Malang Raya will hold a Journalist Competency Test (UKW) at the IKIP Budi Utomo campus in Malang City. Ahead of the implementation of the UKW, the committee and management of PWI Malang Raya held an audience with a number of parties, including the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji on Tuesday (31/8/2021).

The group was received by the number one person in the Malang City Government and accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MM in the Mayor's meeting room at Malang City Hall. Basically, Mayor Sutiaji greatly appreciates the implementation of the UKW and will fully support it.
"The competence of reporters or journalists is very much needed so that the weight of the news presented to the public will be of higher quality. UKW is very important so that journalists are more professional in their work and can present balanced information," said Sutiaji.
He added that in carrying out his work program, which is stated in the pentahelix, the media is included in it and is an important element. "In an era of openness like today, the performance of public officials must be conveyed to the public and this is where the role of the media and journalists is," explained the man who was also a journalist.
"News is a valuable commodity, and it will be dangerous if in its presentation it ignores the journalistic code of ethics (KEJ). Therefore, journalists should not only be able to write news in a short time but the accuracy of the data is questionable," said Sutiaji.
He further said that professional journalistic organizations, in this case PWI Malang Raya in particular, have a big responsibility, related to the ethics and procedures of journalists in presenting news. "The presence and role of the media should be to cool and provide solutions to a problem and not the opposite," appealed the bespectacled man.
According to him, the key word is how in the UKW series there is strengthening of human resources. The media is here to provide clarity and not chaos. "Therefore, the existence of tests and explorations from young, middle and main journalists is also a benchmark for the competence of each journalist," he said.
Various things conveyed by Mayor Sutiaji were agreed by the audience participants. As conveyed by the chairman of the UKW PWI Malang Raya committee, Sunavif Raindrata who said that this UKW is one of the efforts so that journalists in Malang Raya and those who are members of PWI will be more competent in the future.
"Incidentally, Mr. Mayor is also a former journalist, so he also understands the world of journalism. So his various suggestions and criticisms are very meaningful input for us. We hope that no journalists who are members of PWI Malang Raya will not leave KEJ when carrying out their profession. So that the news presented to the public can be useful," he concluded. (say/ram)