Malang ( – The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) is currently launching the 'National Movement of 1.000 Digital Startups' program which is also followed by the cities of Malang and Surabaya as a pilot project in East Java. The reason is, in the two cities the potential is very high and the young people have high creativity.

At least that was what Amanda Egatya, the Malang Regional Officer for the program, said during an audience with the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji in his office at Malang City Hall, Monday (6/9/2021). Amanda, who was accompanied by her colleague, Avina Salsabila, admitted that support from the Malang City Government was greatly needed.
"The mayor also cares a lot about creative young people. Moreover, the young people of Malang City have high potential so it is right when we come to him so that this program runs optimally. So far we have also come to a number of universities to socialize this program," added the woman in the hijab.
Amanda added that currently there are at least 3.000 students interested in this program. From the launch of 1.000 startups by the Ministry of Communication and Information, at least 500 startups will be netted from Malang City. "With the support of the Mayor of Malang and the Communication and Information Office, we are optimistic that this will be realized," said the woman who is also a journalist.
From what Amanda and her colleagues presented in the audience, it was welcomed by the Mayor of Malang who said that his party would fully support it. "Malang City has become a national role model, so when talking about the creativity of young people, there is no doubt," explained the number one person in the Malang City Government.
According to him, the development of technology and information today is extraordinary. In accordance with the jargon of this program, namely 'Indonesia Maju, Mulai dari Kamu' will further strengthen Malang City as a creative city. "In an era like today, if we are not creative, we will be eroded by the development and progress of information technology," said Mayor Sutiaji.
The statement was agreed by the Head of Malang City Communication and Information Office Muhammad Nur Widianto. According to him, the development of digitalization is very rapid and cannot be denied. "On the other hand, the potential of young people must continue to be explored, one of which is to support the acceleration of digitalization itself," he said. (say/ram)