News Health

Mr. Edi Reviews Vaccination in Gadingkasri Subdistrict

Klojen, ( – Moving territorially per sub-district, the implementation of vaccination in Malang City continues to be encouraged by the Malang City Government. This vaccination was held in Gadingkasri Village, Wednesday (15/9/2021). Since the vaccination was held at around 07.30 WIB, Gadingkasri residents have been orderly undergoing vaccination. Starting from registration, screening, blood pressure tests and also Covid-19 vaccination.

Vaccination of Gadingkasri Village residents was carried out at the Pulosari Culinary Center

Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko, who is usually called Bung Edi, said when he was present at the location that the vaccination in Gadingkiasri Village went well. This is a valuable moment together to quickly create group immunity.

"This activity is carried out territorially, so that the vaccination participants are truly residents of Gadingkasri Village," explained Bung Edi.

Vaccination in Malang City has reached 64 percent. If the public's enthusiasm is as high as this, then the figure of 70 percent will soon be realized. If that has been done, of course it will be good news for Malang City to recover soon.

With the community's discipline towards health protocols, it is hoped that vaccinated people can return to normal conditions as soon as possible. Although many residents have been vaccinated, Bung Edi continues to remind residents to obey health protocols. "In addition to vaccines, obeying health protocols is the key for Malang City to get out of the pandemic soon," he said.

According to population theory, he said, if the majority of citizens have been vaccinated as much as 70 percent, then 70 percent of the community will be able to protect themselves and 30 percent who have not been vaccinated. If that happens, of course it will accelerate the recovery of conditions in society, a normal economy, and normal education. (cah/ram)

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