Starfruit ( – The start network event held by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo) received a positive response from participants in Malang City. Participants took part in a networking session at the Santika Hotel in Malang City, Friday (29/10/2021).

Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko (Bung Edi) warmly welcomed this event. This activity is one of the solutions to strengthen startups and creative children in Malang City. "In 2018, we were given a mandate by the community to choose which industry we will develop in Malang City. After we observed, the greatest potential of Malang City is in the field of human resources," explained Bung Edi.
His party wants to build a creative industry ecosystem in Malang City, such as the ecosystem in the fields of education and tourism. Malang City has started, the community in Malang City is extraordinary. Bung Edi said, Malang City also has natural resources (SDA), but not as much as in Malang Regency. In Malang City, the potential is human resources, therefore the industry that is developed is an industry with a strong base in the field of human resources.
This turned out to be in line with what was expected by creative people in Malang City. Then the central government named Malang City as a digital-based creative city, namely games, applications, films, and culinary. This creative industry development program is outlined in the 2018 RPJMD Regional Regulation. "In terms of policy, regulations, regulations have been strengthened, and now Malang City is implementing it in the realization of development activities and work programs," he said.
Coordinator of Business and Matchmaking of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Luat Sihombing, admitted that he was very pleased with the enthusiasm for the development of the creative economy in Malang City. With so many potentials, Malang City has a good opportunity in developing the creative economy.
"We are grateful that our activities in Malang are supported by the Malang City Government. This is an encouragement to help young people in Malang City develop their businesses by meeting investors," said Sihombing.
Later, they will also be brought together with investors, so that they can sell their business well so that they can find common ground with investors. Both local and foreign investors will be present on the occasion in Malang City. (cah/ram)