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Dharma Wanita Persatuan Distributes Donations on 22nd Anniversary

Malang, ( – Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Malang City provided assistance to orphans, widows of State Civil Apparatus (ASN), and Dharma Wanita Kindergarten teachers at the Islamic Center Building, Kedungkandang, Monday (06/12/2021). This assistance was given in order to commemorate the 22nd Anniversary of DWP Malang City with the theme 'Building the Resilience of Indonesian Women Through Mental Health and MSME Business Recovery.'

Regional Secretary of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT delivered his remarks

Regional Secretary of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT said that Dharma Wanita Persatuan as an organization of civil servants' wives (PNS) is a supporting system and plays a role in building Malang City and the nation.

"On behalf of the Malang City Government (Pemkot), we wish a happy birthday to DWP Malang City. Hopefully DWP will have an increasingly strategic position in supporting the development of Malang City. The spirit to improve and advance the organization and also to play an increasingly active role in serving to improve the welfare of families, the environment and society," said Erik.

Erik added, regarding the strategic position of DWP, he hopes that the mothers of the management, implementers, and members are able to maintain harmony in their families. Erik asked to continue to maintain a balance between work activities and organizational activities, as well as their roles as wives and housewives. In addition, in the community, it is hoped that DWP can bring prosperity and always be a driving force for small industries.

"Women have the potential to play a central role in the family and as mothers, wives and individuals who also have an obligation to continue to strive to strengthen family resilience. In the community environment, it is hoped that DWP can bring progress and prosperity, especially for creative business actors based on families and home industries," added Erik.

On the other hand, Erik said, DWP will play a role in improving the performance of ASN who are life partners. Therefore, DWP members can understand and align themselves with changes for ASN who are required to be more professional from time to time.

"Through the active role and existence of DWP, it not only supports government development programs, but also provides increasingly maximum benefits to the ASN environment and the surrounding community environment," he concluded. (eka/ram)

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