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Focusing on Developing Digital, Malang City Receives Lentera IDEA 2021 Award

Surabaya, ( – Malang City won the Lentera IDEA 2021 award in the category of Local Government Inspiration for Change in the Technology and Communication Sector in Surabaya, Sunday (5/12/2021). IDEA 2021 is an abbreviation of the Innovation & Digital Enthusiast Award entitled 'Innovation and Digitalization Activist Award' by Lentera Today.

Head of the Communication and Information Service of Malang City Muhammad Nur Widianto, S.Sos

This award was received by the Head of the Communication and Informatics Agency (Diskominfo) of Malang City Muhammad Nur Widianto, S.Sos. According to him, this award is the spirit of the Malang City Government (Pemkot) to improve public services through digital.

"Hopefully with this award, we (Malang City Government) will be more enthusiastic in serving the community. Especially, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which requires Malang City Government to find the best way to provide services," said Pak Wid, as Muhammad Nur Widianto is called.

Malang City Government, he said, has provided various conveniences to the community through digital and provided 551 free wifi locations for Malang City residents. In addition, Malang City Government has also provided wifi in all city parks in Malang City.

"These facilities include digitalization of Covid-19 vaccination registration, ease for residents to submit questions, criticisms and suggestions through SAMBAT Online and Malang City Government social media. In addition, we have also created various applications for the convenience of the community," he continued.

Lentera Media Group Director Tarmuji Talmacsi expressed his happiness, because as a forum for young people, Lentera Media received support to realize its motto, namely 'Inspiration for Change'. "Thank you for the presence of all parties. This is one of our great achievements. Getting support from various parties to become an Inspiration for Change," said Tarmuji Talmacsi.

With the current development, he said, the role of digital technology is very important. Including for the openness of public information to the people to facilitate services for the community.

Meanwhile, the Assistant for Government and Public Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of East Java Province, Drs. Benny Sampirwanto, M.Si said that the East Java Provincial Government fully supports various innovations related to digitalization.

"IDEA 2021 is proof that all parties, including us in the government, continue to innovate following the times so that the public can get more convenience in services and innovations," he said. (ram)

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