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Pelor Bridge Completely Renovated, More Solid and Has Pedestrian Path

Malang, ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas Agency (DPUPRPKP) has completed the repair of the Pelor Bridge in the 2021 budget year.

Pelor Bridge

As a result, the bridge connecting the alternative route Oro-Oro Dowo with Samaan is now stronger with a steel structure. In addition, the 148-meter long bridge has also been widened. The initial width was only 1,9 meters which was then increased to 4,7 meters.

Head of DPUPRPKP Malang City Ir. Diah Ayu Kusumadewi, MT revealed that the aspiration for pedestrians crossing the bridge to be more comfortable was indeed one of the considerations for carrying out bridge repairs.

"It used to be unfriendly for pedestrians, if you walk through there you will definitely bump into each other. So we added one meter of pedestrian path on the right and left of the bridge," explained Diah.

Regarding the operational reuse of the Pelor Bridge by the general public, Diah said that his party was still making repairs at the point that had been damaged due to being hit by a motorcyclist during the trial opening of access some time ago.

"So actually it has been opened, but some of it was damaged due to being hit. So we are still fixing it again. We are trying to do it as soon as possible so that it can be used by the community," explained Diah.

What is certain, he continued, even though it has been widened, the provisions for vehicles that are allowed to pass through will still be limited. Only for two-wheeled vehicles for the safety and comfort of users. (ndu/ram)

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