Klojen, (malangkota.go.id) – Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji hopes that cooperatives in Malang City can continue to develop well. This was conveyed by Sutiaji at the Annual Members Meeting (RAT) of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperatives (KPRI) Gajayana at the Mini Block Office, Malang City Hall, Wednesday (19/1/2022).

Mayor Sutiaji said that Indonesia will truly be successful if it has three strengths, such as ideological sovereignty, economic sovereignty, and personality in culture. "Economic sovereignty will be achieved, one of which is through good cooperative management," explained Sutiaji.
Good cooperative management, he said, is expected to improve the welfare of its members and can improve the performance of cooperatives so that they are increasingly competitive. Moreover, the obligation of the law mandates that the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) favors micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
"Therefore, it is very important that cooperatives continue to develop various businesses within them. That way, cooperatives can continue to grow," he said.
Cooperatives are also trying to develop role models, so that they can be more independent and economically sovereign. For that, Sutiaji invited to create cooperative business development that is able to follow trends. "With cooperatives being able to follow current trends, of course it will make members interested in shopping at cooperatives," said Sutiaji.
Meanwhile, the Head of KPRI Gajayana Malang Drs. Wasto, SH., MH said, KPRI Gajayana continues to develop its business to provide services to its members. Including at this time, when the Covid-19 pandemic is still there, KPRI continues to provide the best service. "The cooperative belongs to us all, let's continue to strive to advance," explained Wasto. (cah/ram)