Malang, ( – Commander of the V/Brawijaya Military Command Major General Nurchahyanto led the parade of troops of the V/Brawijaya Military Command in anticipation of developments in the East Java region in 2022. The parade was attended by around 2.100 personnel at the Rampal field, Malang City, Friday (28/1/2022).

Major General TNI Nurchahyanto said that the implementation of the main tasks of the TNI AD cannot be separated from the dynamics of strategic environmental developments, both in the regional, national and global scopes which are very complex and dynamic, which sometimes threaten the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
This requires soldiers of Kodam V/Brawijaya, as one of the front lines, to have an optimal level of readiness. So that they are ready to carry out the mandate of the state, whenever and wherever needed. Therefore, according to him, this troop roll call has a very important meaning as one form of measuring the readiness of the Kodam V/Brawijaya units in carrying out their duties.
The Covid-19 pandemic that is still ongoing until now, in addition to affecting the health sector, also has an impact on other aspects of life, both economic and social. "For that, TNI soldiers should continue to provide support to the government in efforts to handle Covid-19 through vaccination programs and enforcement of health protocols," added Nurchahyanto.
He further advised that TNI soldiers help in economic recovery efforts to overcome various community difficulties, including to maintain national stability. Ending his message, Nurchahyanto emphasized to his troops to follow and practice the daily orders of the Chief of Staff of the Army (KASAD).
Among them, implement the Sapta Marga, the soldier's oath and the eight obligations of the TNI wherever they serve and are; show the identity of the TNI AD as a people's army, a warrior army, a national army, and a professional army; sharpen sensitivity to developments in the situation and take proactive action against all forms of threats, especially those that can disrupt the unity and integrity of the nation; uphold sovereignty and defend the integrity of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia to the last drop of blood.
"In addition, the Indonesian Army must be present in the midst of people's difficulties, whatever form they may take, and always be a solution. Take actions that will have an impact on the welfare of the people, so that they can foster the people's love and affection for the Indonesian Army," he said.
Nurchahyanto added, increase synergy with the government, police, and other components of the nation in order to make the government program a success.
Acting as the commander of the roll call this time, Dandim 0833/Malang City Lieutenant Colonel Arm. Ferdian Primadhona, SE., MTr (Han) which was also attended by Danrindam V/Brawijaya, the assistants to Kasdam V/Brawijaya, the Kabalakdam V/Brawijaya for the Malang Raya region, and Colonel Inf. Yudhi Prasetiyo who tomorrow will be inaugurated as Danrem 083/Baladhika Jaya replacing Colonel Inf. Irwan Subekti. (say/ram)