Malang, MC – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Regional Public Company (Perumda) Tugu Aneka Usaha (Tunas) continues to strengthen and develop various collaborations with the Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Several Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) of both parties have been signed and several are awaiting schedules, including the MoU of Malang City and DKI Jakarta in the management of public utilities.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Perumda Tunas Malang City Elfiatur Roikhah, SE., Ak., MM said that previously, the cooperation with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government BUMD had been initiated by Perumda Tunas since 2021. One of the trade cooperations that has been signed is PT. Food Station Tjipinang Jaya on April 14, 2021, which is engaged in the formation of sister companies and trading of agricultural commodities such as coffee and spices.
"On January 22, 2022, Perumda Tunas has signed a trade cooperation agreement with the DKI Jakarta BUMD, namely Perumda Dharma Jaya for the trade of chicken and beef, as well as joint investment in the development of communal cattle pens," he said.
After that, he said, it is still in the process of signing a cooperation agreement with Perumda Pasar Jaya for the trade of processed foods, fashion, and craft products as well as the development of a retailer system. He said that with the cooperation established with BUMD DKI Jakarta, there are many benefits felt by both parties. One of them is to meet the needs of quality goods and services in each region and maintain the availability of supply.
This also strengthens the efforts made by the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) to maintain price stability and food availability in Malang City.
"Another benefit of this cooperation is to create a common market and price efficiency through joint production. In addition, it is also to encourage economic recovery and economic growth in both regions," he added.
Elfi explained, as a follow-up to the beef and chicken supply cooperation contract. Both parties have held further meetings to discuss the quantity of needs, product specifications, payment terms, and also discuss the potential investment in developing communal cattle pens. In February, for trade, Perumda Tunas will ship around 15 tons of chicken and beef to Perumda Dharma Jaya as subsidized food needs and reduce dependence on imported meat.
"Perumda Tunas can utilize the space provided by Perumda Pasar Jaya at 158 points throughout Jakarta and will soon start shipping processed food products, batik, and crafts," he concluded.
In addition to supplying Perumda Pasar Jaya's market and outlets with Malang City's UMKM products, Perumda Tunas is also invited to open an outlet in the Tanah Abang fashion center. To mark the start of this collaboration, the plan is to hold a joint cultural event at Thamrin 10 Jakarta. (yul/ram)