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Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Appreciates Vaccination in Malang City

Malang, ( – In addition to the strict implementation of health protocols, the second and third dose vaccinations have so far been claimed to be able to suppress Covid-19 cases, especially with the presence of the Omicron variant. Therefore, residents who have not been vaccinated and/or have not received the second or third dose of the vaccine should immediately undergo vaccination.

Regional Secretary of Malang City Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT (wearing a black vest and cap) accompanied Coordinating Minister for PMK Muhadjir Effendy when reviewing the implementation of vaccinations

This was emphasized by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PKM) Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP when reviewing the implementation of vaccination in Malang City on Sunday (27/2/2022). This time, Coordinating Minister Muhadjir reviewed vaccinations at the TNI clinic in Rampal and at a shopping center around Alun-Alun Merdeka.

According to him, although the symptoms or impacts of the Omicron virus attack are not as severe as the Delta variant virus, which is only mild and moderate symptoms, the public should remain vigilant. "The transmission of this virus is very fast, so it must be really anticipated," he added.

In addition to encouraging the acceleration of the second and third dose vaccinations, the former Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang also appealed for the achievement of vaccination for the elderly to be accelerated even more. This is because the elderly are very vulnerable to being exposed to Covid-19 and in several districts/cities there are still delays in its implementation.

"In other areas, besides Malang City, the achievement is also less than 70 percent, therefore acceleration must be carried out. So far, around 46 percent of people who are vulnerable to exposure or when exposed to severe symptoms, in addition to the elderly, are also because they have not been vaccinated, have not received the second or third dose of vaccination and ignore health protocols," he explained.

According to instructions from the Ministry of Health, Coordinating Minister Muhadjir said that the third dose of the vaccine, which is usually injected six months after the second vaccine, can now be injected three months after the second vaccine. On the other hand, he appreciated various parties, such as the TNI-Polri in Malang City who have been providing outreach services for vaccination for the elderly and people with disabilities.

Muhadjir further said that post-immunization events or KIPI are currently very minimal and if there are any, they can still be handled, because the impacts are common, such as fever and dizziness. "In general, in Malang City, the implementation of vaccination, especially for the elderly, has been quite good because it has reached 70 percent, although it must continue to be accelerated," he said.

Meanwhile, Malang City Regional Secretary Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT who also accompanied the Coordinating Minister for PMK, said that his party will continue to intensify the implementation of vaccinations, especially for the elderly, people with disabilities and students. "So far, we have collaborated with various elements of society to maximize the implementation of this vaccination," he said.

Erik reminded that even though they have received the third dose of the vaccine or booster, the community should remain disciplined in implementing health protocols. "This vaccine is not a cure, but to reduce the risk or impact that arises when someone is exposed to Covid-19," said Erik. (say/ram)

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