Malang, ( – In order to increase collaboration and synergy, the Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo) held a Community Information Group (KIM) Socialization at the Ijen Suite Hotel, Wednesday (2/3/2022).

Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko in his direction, said that KIM as a partner of Malang City Government has a strategic role in disseminating information to the community in their respective areas.
"The development of KIM in Malang City is quite large. In 2014, there were six KIMs. Then there was an acceleration in 2019 to 2021, so that currently there are 31 KIMs spread across the sub-districts of Malang City," he explained.
According to him, in building a government there must be an element of participation. Where the goal is to improve the level of independence of the community. Governance involving the community is realized, one of which is through the role of KIM. The strategic roles of KIM are very important so that they are expected to bring positive benefits in the current digital era.
"KIM is a government partner formed directly from the community, by the community, for the community. One of them is to channel information about policies. For example, the big role that the government and KIM play is to collaborate synergistically in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic," he explained.
The main thing now, he said, is economic recovery. How to do it, one of which is by publishing the potential of the region. Through strengthening the potential of the region, it is hoped that the economy and movements in the sub-district can increase competitiveness. So that it will be visited or visited by other community groups.
"It is raised from below, so that competitiveness can be raised. The strategic role of KIM is very important so that it brings positive benefits in the current digital era. Such as helping to provide literacy to the community on the many hoaxes currently circulating in society, as well as supporting smart cities as has been planned by the City of Malang," he added.
Of course, the efforts made by the Malang City Government must be carried out continuously and cannot be instant. He hopes that through this socialization it will be able to become a media in providing an understanding for KIM Malang City in carrying out its duties and functions as a mediator, facilitator, and catalyst between the community and the community and the government.

Meanwhile, Head of Malang City Communication and Information Office Muhammad Nur Widianto, S.Sos said, there are three spirits that the Malang City Government wants to build towards the 108th Anniversary of Malang City. First, the spirit of collaboration, this is in line with this activity. The collaboration of the Malang City Government that cannot stand alone in realizing the vision and mission of Malang City and a just and prosperous society.
"Second, the spirit of acceleration where KIM is an important element in this spirit. Third, the spirit of economic revival. KIM is able to be at the forefront of economic recovery," he concluded.
KIM Malang City has many talents, so this forum is expected to be a sharing forum to improve and inform the community so that the level of community literacy is getting better. The goal is to be able to face the current era of information and digitalization.
The man who is familiarly called Pak Wiwid also socialized the Analog Switch Off (ASO) policy or migration of Analog TV to Digital TV in Malang City. The plan is that it will be implemented by the central government in November 2022. (eka/ram)