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Highest Local Business e-Purchasing Transactions in East Java, Mayor Sutiaji: Keep Strengthening!

Starfruit, ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) continues to strengthen the role of micro and small businesses (UMK) in the procurement of goods/services (PBJ) in Malang City. As a result, Malang City is in the first position for e-purchasing transactions in East Java.

Mayor Sutiaji delivered a speech at the event held by the Goods and Services Procurement Service Section

The transaction was carried out through Jatim Bejo as of December 30, 2021. Where Malang City made 2.748 transactions with a value of IDR 9,37 billion. Followed by Batu City with 679 transactions with a value of IDR 5,07 billion and Gresik Regency with 440 transactions with a value of IDR 922 million.

This was explained by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji when he was a keynote speaker at the Dissemination of Direct and Self-Managed Procurement for Regional Devices at the Atria Hotel, Wednesday (2/3/2022). Sutiaji emphasized the importance of improving human resources in improving services to the community.

Mayor Sutiaji said that this activity also emphasized administrative issues, both in determining the Estimated Price (HPS), planning, and also related to supervision.

"The goal is how we provide the best service to the community. Our efforts continue to make improvements including in procurement and self-management," explained Sutiaji.

In 2022, he said, it has entered the end of the first quarter and the auction has been carried out, all that remains is to carry out supervision. In accordance with the mandate of the law, currently for micro and small enterprises (UMK) 46,6 percent have been represented in procurement. Likewise for auctions and tenders, at least 18 packages are currently being worked on.

Head of Procurement of Goods and Services Drs. R Widjaja Saleh Putra said, the emphasis of the Mayor of Malang on tender issues can be done well. No matter who the person is, there should be no discrimination.

"Including for tenders worth Rp15 billion, there are only two requirements, there is no discrimination so that everyone has a chance," Widjaja emphasized.

In principle, he said, all state civil apparatus (ASN) in the Malang City Government should not be afraid of people, individuals, organizations, including those claiming to be the Mayor of Malang. This is in accordance with the vision and mission of the regional head in running the government, including self-management or provision.

"In accordance with the regional head's mission, the Regional Development Information System (SIPD) is 100 percent or 99 percent stating that procurement is self-managed or provided by providers," explained Widjaja.

In this activity, he also conveyed how self-management is carried out, including self-management in the sub-district involving community empowerment. (cah/ram)

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