News Law, Politics, and Government Development and Environment

Supit Urang Landfill to Soon Be Planted with Rare Fruit, Assistance from PT. Astra

Kedungkandang, ( – Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko symbolically received assistance in the form of rare fruit plant seeds from PT. Astra at SMK Negeri 6 Malang, Saturday (19/3/2022). This is a form of the company's concern for greening and loving the environment in Malang City.

Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko delivered a speech

Bung Edi, Sofyan Edi Jarwoko's nickname, said that this activity was a discussion of the Indonesian Adiwiyata Activists Association (HPAI). This event was carried out in a hybrid manner, namely offline and online and was attended by participants from various regions in Indonesia. "The discussion was attended by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, PT. Astra, environmental activists and from HPAI," explained Bung Edi.

Bung Edi, who is the mentor of HPAI Malang Raya, added that PT. Astra is interested in providing assistance in the form of rare fruit plant seeds to Malang City, after seeing the various activities of this city. Especially in tree planting activities that are carried out massively by involving various parties.

"We have received the rare fruit plant seeds from PT. Astra today at SMK Negeri 6 Malang. We are taking care of them and after Eid we will plant them together at the Supit Urang TPA," he said.

Rare plant seeds are deliberately planted at the Supit Urang TPA. The goal is to complement the plants there. So that at the Supit Urang TPA you can learn about waste management, learn about composting, learn about maggot cultivation, and in the future there will be a place to learn about rare fruit plants.

In the future, at TPA Supit Urang, he said, the public can also see directly how environmental conservation is carried out. Including being able to see again various collections of rare fruit plants that once existed in Indonesia.

This activity also involves students, the goal is as an educational event for students to love plants and the environment from an early age. Wanting to plant plants, wanting to care for plants, loving the environment, not littering must be instilled since children are in school.

"My hope with this activity is that more people will join and be involved in activists than for environmental love," he explained. (cah/ram)

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