Malang, ( – In order for the process of organizing the democratic party to run optimally and minimize conflict, various parties must play an active role in its supervision. In this case, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) as an official institution that oversees the democratic process requires the involvement of several parties, including the mass media.

Malang City Bawaslu Chairman Alim Mustofa conveyed the importance of involving the media in supervising the democratic party.

This was conveyed by the Head of Bawaslu Malang City, Alim Mustofa, on Wednesday (20/4/2022) evening at the socialization event for participatory supervision at the Savana Hotel, Malang City. According to him, in addition to dispelling fake news or hoaxes with the increasingly massive social media, the presence of mass media in its reporting is also expected to provide positive political education for all levels of society.

The initial stages of the 2024 simultaneous elections will begin in mid-June 2022 with the agenda of verifying political parties. No less important, Alim said, by minimizing conflicts or complaints, the democratic party process will run optimally and in accordance with applicable regulations.

Thus, he said, from all of that, the nation's leaders will be elected according to the people's expectations. Meanwhile, to suppress conflicts or complaints, the Malang City Bawaslu will conduct intensive supervision by collaborating with several parties.

When the election stage begins if there is an indication of any discrepancy, Bawaslu appeals to the public not to be afraid to provide reports supported by concrete evidence. In addition, the public is also appealed to be smarter, more critical and not to swallow raw information obtained related to the implementation of the election.

"If that happens, it will harm the democratic process and so as not to trigger horizontal conflict or not cause new problems. Therefore, the role of all parties and wise behavior greatly determine the results of a democratic party," concluded Alim. (say/ram)

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