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Officers Come and Take Action Against Tax Delinquents

Malang ( – Joint officers consisting of elements of the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda), TNI-Polri and Satpol PP of Malang City on Wednesday (8/6/2022) conducted a joint operation. This time the target was taxpayers who were suspected of not fulfilling their obligations to pay taxes. Such as restaurants, lodgings and rental houses or boarding houses.

Officers show their assignment letter before giving sanctions to taxpayers who are in arrears on their taxes.

Head of Satpol PP Malang City Heru Mulyono, S.IP., MT after leading the operation said that his party found taxpayers who did not pay taxes, were in arrears and paid taxes but the amount was not appropriate. He said, like a restaurant on Jalan Raya Tlogomas that had collected taxes from its customers but for the past five months had not paid to Bapenda Malang City.

This violation, Heru said, could be criminal because the taxpayer is considered to have committed tax evasion. Still in the same location, there was a restaurant that did not pay its taxes. Next, officers visited the inn on Jalan Koral Tlogomas and a rental house or boarding house on Jalan Mertojoyo, Lowokwaru District.

In both places, the managers are suspected of not paying taxes according to the turnover obtained. From several locations, officers confiscated the identities of the managers and/or those responsible and issued summonses to attend the trial and pay off their tax liabilities.

From this operation, it is estimated that there are tens of millions of rupiah in taxes that should have been received by the Malang City Bapenda. Similar operations, said Heru, will continue to be carried out routinely to improve taxpayer compliance and meet this year's tax target of Rp606 billion.

In this operation, officers also conducted a concentrated operation or social disease and rounded up several unmarried couples who were in one room. They were taken to the Satpol PP Office in the local city hall area, then underwent coaching, were required to report and attend a minor criminal trial (tipiring) as scheduled. (say/ram)

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