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Spur Public Service Innovation, City Government Holds Competition

Malang ( – The Malang City Government is committed to innovating in various public service sectors. In order to encourage regional apparatus and agencies to innovate in their services, the Malang City Government through the Organizational Section of the Malang City Regional Secretariat held the 2022 Malang City Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) on June 15-16, 2022.

Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) Malang City 2022

Head of Organization Section of Malang City Secretariat, Boedi Utomo, SE., M.Si revealed, this public service competition was participated by regional apparatus and public service units. The results of this KIPP will be submitted to the provincial level which is usually called the Public Service Innovation Competition (KOVABLIK) and at the national level the Public Service Innovation Competition (SINOVIK).

"From this KIPP, Malang City has had various innovations that have been recognized nationally, such as the Braille e-Ticket and Extraordinary Access for Visual Disabilities (Brexit) innovation from the Janti Health Center, Sepasar Pedas innovation from Diskopindag, to Si Ikan Nila from Bakalan Krajan Village," he said on the sidelines of the KIPP participants' presentation, Wednesday (15/6/2022).

Furthermore, Boedi said, this year there are 49 innovations from various work units and regional apparatuses in Malang City. So, until 2022, Malang City has had a total of 111 innovations.

"The Organization Section has the responsibility to accompany to improve the innovation of friends. This innovation also sometimes has updates and can be replicated by other work units. So that innovation in one work unit can also spread and be carried out in other places within the scope of the Malang City Government," he explained.

Boedi said that the Organizational Section has conducted technical guidance on KIPP, where one of the materials is the preparation of proposals. Before reaching the innovation presentation stage, his party has also conducted administrative selection of proposals submitted by participants.

"So the proposals of the participants who participated in today's presentation systematically and substantively are in accordance with what is expected. However, we still provide input for the better, for example how to communicate pentahelix, how it benefits the community and others," he concluded. (ari/ram)

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