
Mayor Sutiaji Appreciates the Creativity of Tunjungsekar Residents

Lowokwaru ( – Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji cycled with regional apparatus heads to RT 1 RW 1 Tunjungsekar Village, Malang City, Friday (17/6/2022). In this activity, Mayor Sutiaji held a dialogue with local residents to absorb the aspirations of residents at Pemean Cafe.

Mayor during dialogue at Pemean Cafe

Mayor Sutiaji greatly appreciates what the residents of RW 1, Tunjungsekar Village, have done in creating a cafe. Because with very limited land, residents have extraordinary creativity to become entrepreneurs.

"Our presence here is not only to see and have direct dialogue with residents in the field, but also to encourage residents to develop their creativity," said Sutiaji.

Including in Pemean Cafe which develops healthy drinks from butterfly pea flowers, Brazilian spinach, and lemons that are very healthy and delicious. Creativity like this must continue to be encouraged and developed.

"We also brought the heads of related regional apparatuses to have a dialogue with the RT/RW heads and residents of Tunjungsekar Village. So that if there are problems, they can be discussed and the best solution can be found for the progress of Malang City," said Sutiaji.

Meanwhile, Head of RW 1 Tunjungsekar Village Ahmad Kosim said, Pemean Cafe is called Pemean Cafe because in the morning until 12.00 WIB this place is used for residents to dry their clothes. Because with such a narrow land in the alley, residents do not have their own clothesline.

"If it's 12.00 WIB and above, this place becomes a cafe that is open until early morning," explained Ahmad.

In addition to the cafe, the area around this place is also used for various community activities, ranging from urban farming, growing flowers and vegetables, cultivating maggots and also as a place for community interaction.

"Thank God today the mayor and his entourage can be present at this place. We are really looking forward to activities like this," said Ahmad. (cah/ram)

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