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Bung Edi Says 2 DPRD Initiative Draft Regional Regulations Are Worthy of Becoming Regional Regulations

Malang, ( – Taking place in the meeting room of the Malang City DPRD, Tuesday (28/6/2022) a plenary meeting was held between the executive and legislative branches. This plenary meeting was related to the delivery of the Mayor of Malang's opinion on the DPRD Initiative Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) concerning the Implementation of Islamic Boarding Schools and Cultural Advancement.

Deputy Mayor of Malang, Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko read out the Mayor of Malang's opinion on the Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) Initiative of the DPRD on the Implementation of Islamic Boarding Schools and Advancement of Culture

Representing the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji, Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko read his opinion after six factions in the DPRD submitted the draft of the two regulations some time ago. According to the man who is familiarly called Bung Edi, the two initiative draft regulations are worthy of further discussion and later become regional regulations (perda).

"If our opinion is unclear and requires more detailed discussion, it will be followed up in technical meetings, both at the commission and budget agency levels. Of course, we are ready to follow a number of these series before the two regulations become regional regulations," he added.

Furthermore, the bespectacled man said that the arrangement and optimization of the existence of Islamic boarding schools are very much needed. So that from the Islamic boarding schools, it can produce a competitive future generation. "In addition, the quality and standard of education in Islamic boarding schools will be even better in the future," continued Bung Edi.

Likewise, the rules related to the advancement of culture, he added, will be a legal umbrella in maintaining, preserving and developing various cultures, especially those that are characteristic of Malang City. "The two rules will also refer to or be derivatives of the rules above them, so that in their implementation they can have a positive impact on society," he said.

Meanwhile, Malang City DPRD Chairperson I Made Riandiana Kartika said that his party was grateful and thanked the executive who had provided input on the two first DPRD initiative draft regulations. "Next, we will deepen it further by forming a special committee (pansus) involving experts and academics," he said.

In addition, Made said, the DPRD will then conduct consultations at the provincial and central levels through the relevant ministries. So that these two draft regulations will later become quality regulations, namely how a regulation can benefit the community. "The more/greater the benefits of a regulation for the community, of course the quality will be better," he concluded. (say/ram)

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