News Development and Environment

Sediment Dredging of Touch Channel Location 13 in Malang City

Malang, ( – Dozens of members of the Malang City Drainage Task Force and one excavator unit have been going back and forth since morning to remove piles of sediment that are inhibiting the performance of secondary channels in the Jalan Letjen S. Parman area or around 100 meters north of the Atria Hotel, Purwantoro, Malang City, Tuesday (23/8/2022).

Members of the Malang City Drainage Task Force clean up sediment deposits in the Jalan Letjen S. Parman area, Purwantoro, Malang City, Tuesday (23/8/2022).

The channel is the 13th location affected by channel dredging as part of hydrometeorological disaster mitigation by the Malang City Government (Pemkot) through the Malang City Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas Agency (DPUPRPKP).

Acting Head of DPUPRPKP Malang City, Ir. Diah Ayu Kusumadewi, MT targets the transportation of sediment from the channel in Purwantoro to be completed in the next three or four days.

"We hope as soon as possible. Three or four days is our estimate with an estimated length of 50-100 meters that we dredge. We hope this can reduce the risk of inundation or flooding around Jalan S. Parman which has occurred quite often in the past," explained Diah.

The woman in hijab who definitively serves as Assistant for Economy and Development added that on average the locations worked on by the task force have not been touched by handling for quite a long time. "In Purwantoro, it has never been dredged. That's why there are many estimates of sediment that must be raised," added Diah.

Previously, the Drainage Task Force had completed the handling of the channel around Jalan Tenaga and successfully lifted approximately 50 cm deep or approximately 90 cubic meters of sediment. The total sediment and waste that had been dredged from the 13 locations was approximately 1.000 cubic meters with an average depth of the channel that was successfully normalized between 80-130 cm.

Separately, the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji emphasized that efforts to improve performance in reducing the risk of disasters such as floods and inundation certainly require collective awareness.

"We plan to add two units of heavy equipment in the 2022 P-APBD to speed up the process currently being carried out by DPUPRPKP. But of course it requires community participation not to dump garbage and sediment into the river which is our source of life," said Sutiaji. (ndu/ram)

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