News Law, Politics, and Government

Regional Secretary Erik Says Ad Hoc Supervisors Influence Democratic Party

Malang, ( – In October, the 2024 Simultaneous General Election (Pemilu) stages will include verification of political party members or those participating in the democratic party. Before the stages begin, one of the tasks of the Malang City General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) is to form ad hoc supervisors. These supervisors consist of Bawaslu at the sub-district, village, and polling station (TPS) levels.

Regional Secretary of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT at the Socialization of the Formation of Ad Hoc Supervisors, Thursday (25/8/2022).

In relation to this, Bawaslu Malang City on Thursday (25/8/2022) held a socialization of the formation of ad hoc supervisors. The socialization, which was held at the Mini Block Office, Malang City Hall, was intended for five sub-district heads and 57 village heads throughout Malang City. The registration and recruitment of ad hoc supervisors is planned to begin at the end of August, so that in the first week of September it will be officially formed.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Human Resources and Organization Division of Malang City Bawaslu, Erna Al Maghfiroh after the socialization event. From the existing regulations, she said, these ad hoc supervisors must have been formed one month before the field verification stage of political party members participating in the election. "So that the stage runs smoothly and can minimize problems," she added.

"So today we coordinate with the sub-district head and the village head so that our needs can be facilitated. Because the function of the sub-district supervisor is also one of the fast process dispute resolution and the fast process dispute is in the sub-district.
"All administration, both sub-district and district, are also one in the sub-district, so we socialized this first. So when the sub-district election supervisory committee is there, the sub-district is ready with the infrastructure," added the woman in the hijab.

A similar statement was delivered by the Regional Secretary of Malang City, Erik Setyo Santoso, ST., MT. Today, he said, related regional apparatuses such as the National Unity and Politics Agency (Bakesbangpol), sub-district heads and village heads were all present. So that it is hoped that there will be an understanding in the stages of the election later. "In addition, later it can also run smoothly and the democratic party can be held well," he explained.

The task of this ad hoc supervisor, Erik explained, will assist the Malang City Bawaslu to verify members of political parties participating in the 2024 election. Thus, it is hoped that there will be no more incidents such as residents whose names are used as members of certain political parties. "However, if such an incident occurs, residents should immediately report it to the Malang City Bawaslu or the ad hoc supervisor," he explained. (say/ram)

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