Malang, ( – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Malang City held a training for data collection officers for the Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek). The Head of BPS Malang City, Erny Fatma Setyoharini, SE., MM in her remarks at the opening of the activity at the Atria Hotel, Thursday (29/9/2022) said that the training was divided into three waves.

BPS Malang City, Erny Fatma Setyoharini, SE., MM gave a speech during the training of Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) data collection officers

He said the total number of prospective officers who attended the training was 1.342 people with 18 regional instructors who had previously attended training at the BPS of East Java Province. Where it was held in four training centers, namely Hotel Savana, Hotel Aria Gajayana, Hotel Pelangi, and Hotel Ascent Balava.

"The first wave of training was attended by 453 participants. Then the second wave was attended by 449 participants, and the third wave was attended by 440 participants," explained Erny

Erny further explained that for two days, Regsosek data collection officers will receive materials related to the concepts and definitions used in the data collection. According to her, the uniformity of the concept is needed to produce quality data that can be compared for all regions in Indonesia.

Erny advised the training participants to seriously follow this training because every answer produced will be the basis for development. "Prospective officers must know and understand what must be done in the 2022 Regsosek activities, especially the data collection on October 15-November 14, 2022," said Erny.

This training is the beginning of the Regsosek data collection because the field is the spearhead in collecting accurate socio-economic data according to field conditions. In conducting data collection, later every four field data collection officers (PPL) will be supervised by one field inspection supervisor (PML).

"The PML will be tasked with supervising field activities and checking the questionnaires produced by the PPL. Ensuring the correctness of the contents and the consistency of each answer is the task of the PML so that the data produced can be accounted for its accuracy," he explained.

Regsosek data collection will be carried out on all families in Malang City without exception starting from October 15 to November 14, 2022. Therefore, Erny hopes for the support and participation of the community in Malang City to produce an integrated social protection database.

"So that it can be shared for all social protection programs in an effort to eradicate poverty and improve welfare. Of course, every answer given by the community will be guaranteed confidentiality by the Statistics Law Number 16 of 1997," concluded Erny.

Previously, the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji, while attending the Regional Coordination Meeting for Initial Data Collection of Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) at the Atria Hotel, Malang City, Tuesday (27/9/2022), expressed his full support for the success of Reksosek 2022.

"With the completeness of all components in Malang City in supporting Regrosek 2022, it is hoped that everything can run smoothly and successfully. We must make Regsosek 2022 a success. Updating this data is very important for future policy making, especially related to poverty alleviation," explained Sutiaji. (eka/ram)

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