Malang, ( – The government has shown its commitment to accelerating the reduction of stunting rates. This time, the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) held a conference to discuss population and health issues, especially related to stunting.
Deputy Mayor of Malang, Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko with Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. Emil Elestianto Dardak at the event "The 2nd South East Asia Biennial Conference on Population and Health Related to Stunting (SEAA) 2022", Tuesday (04/10/2022).
The activity entitled "The 2nd South East Asia Biennial Conference on Population and Health Related to Stunting (SEAA) 2022" was held at the Samantha Krida Building, Brawijaya University, Malang City on October 4-6, 2022.
Head of BKKBN, Dr. (HC), dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K) revealed that the stunting rate in Indonesia has decreased compared to last year. Based on SSGI 2021 data, the stunting rate in Indonesia is 24,4 percent while in East Java it is 23,5 percent.
Hasto also revealed that Indonesia will soon be faced with an aging population in 2035. Hasto explained that Indonesia has experienced an increase in the number of elderly people from 18 million people (7,56%) in 2010 to 25,9 million people (9.7%) in 2019, and is expected to continue to increase to 2035 million people (48.2%) in 15,77.
"When the aging population occurs, quality productive age human resources are needed because of the very high dependency ratio. Where the productive age must bear the cost of unproductive human resources, namely the elderly and children under 14 years of age. These two elements are not productive but require quite large costs," he explained.
Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. Emil Elestianto Dardak expressed his appreciation for the performance of BKKBN so far. Emil also invited all parties to play a role in handling stunting. Emil said that stunting does not start when a baby is born, but can be prevented by starting preventive steps for young women.
"The handling of stunting cycle must start from adolescents through the provision of blood-boosting tablets to prevent anemia for adolescent girls, how to intervene during pregnancy, nutritional interventions when infants are toddlers where the cycle must be understood by all," he said.
Emil added that in order for the policies taken to be right on target and the program to run according to target, stable data is needed where each ministry/institution has the same data. So far, there are still differences in data between ministries/institutions, as well as data obtained from different measurement methods, which will certainly make the results different.
"For that, we need stable data by name by address that can be utilized by all Ministries/Institutions according to their respective needs," he said.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Brawijaya University, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Med.Sc said that universities have a big role in the process of accelerating the reduction of stunting. Universities through their three pillars, namely education, research, and community service can contribute to this effort. Widodo said that his party has collaborated with the BKKBN and local governments, as well as private companies to conduct community service and research related to population, including stunting.
"We have been active in providing assistance to the community regarding stunting. This year, we have deployed around 600 to 800 students and lecturers in the Malang Raya area. Universitas Brawijaya is actively involved in various forms of community service funded by the ministry and internally, which we usually call doctors serving. Not only in Malang but also in several places in Indonesia," explained Widodo.
Widodo further revealed that related to the aging population, Brawijaya University has conducted various studies. "We are preparing studies related to us looking for alternative nutrition, alternative food which will hopefully eliminate diseases that accompany aging," he explained.
Also attending the conference were the Deputy Mayor of Malang, Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko who is also the Head of the Malang City Stunting Acceleration Handling Team (TPPS), as well as related regional apparatuses, namely Bappeda, Health Office, and Dinsos P3AP2KB. (ari/ram)