News Law, Politics, and Government

Mayor Sutiaji Says Draft Regional Spatial Plan Has Been Completed

Malang, ( – Taking place at the Malang City DPRD building, on Monday (10/10/2022) a plenary meeting was held with the agenda of conveying the general views of the DPRD factions on the Draft Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) of Malang City for 2022-2042. A total of 6 factions in the Malang City DPRD read out their general views through their respective spokespersons.

Malang Mayor, Drs. H. Sutiaji (second from right) listening to the presentation of representatives of the Malang City DPRD faction regarding the RTRW draft regulation


The 6 factions in question are the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (F-PDIP), the National Awakening Party (F-PKB), the Prosperous Justice Party (F-PKS), the Great Indonesia Movement Party (F-Gerindra), the Functional Group Party (F-Golkar), and the Indonesian Peaceful Democracy Faction (F-DDI) whose members are the National Mandate Party (PAN), the Democratic Party (PD), the NasDem Party, the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) and the United Indonesia Party (Perindo).

In this plenary meeting, several things were conveyed to the Mayor of Malang and asked for an explanation at the next plenary meeting, namely regarding the maximization and availability of green open space up to 30 percent, the utilization of green open space properly and according to its designation. Thus, in addition to providing additional comfort to the community, it will also boost the amount of investment in Malang City.

Later, in the 2022-2042 Malang City RTRW Draft Regulation, there are several things that will be adjusted. Such as the availability of protected land, the determination of cultural heritage, and heritage areas that must continue to be maintained. Throughout the Malang City area, with the existence of this RTRW Draft Regulation, investment zoning will be regulated.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji said that the revision of the RTRW had been submitted to the PUPR Ministry since 2015 and in principle had been completed. And for its suitability, the three regional heads in Malang Raya have also been invited by the PUPR Ministry and the Indonesian Air Force.

"Like regarding building construction models, one of which states that buildings are permitted to have up to 25 floors," he explained.

The bespectacled man added, regarding what is the general view of the faction, his party will certainly provide a clear answer or explanation later in the next plenary meeting. As for the availability of green open space, Sutiaji explained, the plan is to take 20 percent in the Malang district area, so that the need for green open space can be met properly. (say/ram)

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