News Law, Politics, and Government

Plenary Session of APBD, Mayor Sutiaji Will Crystallize 3 Traditional Markets

Malang, ( – On Wednesday (19/10/2022), a plenary meeting was held with the agenda of conveying the general views of the factions on the 2023 fiscal year APBD draft regulation in the plenary meeting room of the Malang City DPRD.

Malang Mayor, Drs. H. Sutiaji gave a press statement after the 2023 APBD plenary meeting, Wednesday (19/10/2022).


Regarding the general views of the six factions in the DPRD, Malang Mayor, Drs. H. Sutiaji said that his party would answer it in the next plenary session. Several things, he said, would certainly be crystallized related to the people's market problem, namely Pasar Besar, Pasar Gadang, and Pasar Blimbing. Including legal opinions will be accelerated for Pasar Gadang and Pasar Blimbing.

For both markets, Sutiaji admitted that he had coordinated with the Malang District Attorney's Office to accelerate the process. Meanwhile, Pasar Besar will soon be surveyed by the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of PUPR. "The budget needed is between Rp300-400 billion. Rp7 billion of which is from the Ministry of Trade and the rest from the Ministry of PUPR," he explained.

Then for Blimbing Market and Gadang Market, it is projected next year. These two markets, Sutiaji explained, require a budget of between Rp700 to R800 billion. Regarding other matters, the bespectacled man could not mention details because there are still many things that need to be discussed further.

Meanwhile, regarding the target of local revenue (PAD) of Rp1,7 trillion, the number one person in the Malang City Government said that his party will maximize revenue from the regional tax sector. So that what is targeted is balanced, can be realized well and does not depend entirely on the flow of funds from the central government.

"From the tax sector, we assume that we will obtain more than IDR 1 trillion. Later, other income will also come in, such as current accounts and levies. So that in the APBD posture, it will reach more than IDR 1,3 trillion. From all of that, it is hoped that Malang City can realize fiscal independence which is currently being planned by the government," explained Sutiaji. (say/ram)

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