Malang, ( – The PHRI Table Top Activity Guyub Rukun Sesarengan, the Indonesian Hotel Restaurant Association (PHRI) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) received a warm welcome from the Malang City Government. In particular, the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji was present and gave his impressions and messages in the activity which took place at the Savana Hotel, Malang City, Wednesday (7/12/2022).

Mayor Sutiaji expressed his gratitude because Malang City became one of the places that became a gathering activity. "The existence of tourism in Indonesia which is getting better certainly brings extraordinary multi-effects," explained Sutiaji.
Sutiaji hopes that this activity will not stop here. But how can it continue to be sustainable. Including for PHRI East Java can also hold activities like this.
"If currently PHRI DIY is in Malang, in the future how can PHRI East Java also do it in Yogyakarta," said Sutiaji.
For the development of tourism activities, Sutiaji emphasized that the Malang City Government will continue to support to advance. Moreover, the existence of tourism has been proven to be effective in increasing regional income and developing the economy. Activities at PHRI DIY in Malang City are expected to bring blessings. Because it starts with good intentions. Collaboration and acceleration of activities are a must for all with the Yogyakarta language of guyub sesarengan.
"It means harmony first, aligning frequencies, aligning visions. But that is not enough, there must be collaboration and acceleration," Sutiaji emphasized.
Equalizing the vision that currently the paradigm of Indonesia has changed in relation to the country's foreign exchange levers has changed. If in the past it relied on natural resources and mining products, now it has changed with Indonesia is beautiful.
"Indonesia is beautiful, Indonesia is the only earth in the world that has multitalents, extraordinary people with more than 7.000 tribes, languages and customs," said Sutiaji.
How can this wealth continue to be exposed and developed. So that the paradigm of the future income of the Indonesian nation does not only rely on natural resources. But also relies on tourism. Tourism in the past which was still considered insignificant, is currently being supported to become a mainstay for obtaining foreign exchange.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Leadership Body (BPD) of the Indonesian Hotel Restaurant Association (PHRI) Yogyakarta, Deddy Pranowo Eryono, admitted that he was pleased with the support of the Malang City Government, travel agents, and also PHRI East Java. Because with that support, the team from BPD PHRI DIY can carry out activities in Malang City well and comfortably.
"We, the BPD PHRI DIY, are conducting a friendly visit to Malang City to hold the second table top gathering," said Deddy.
Why is it called guyub sesarengan, because BPD PHRI DIY in the pandemic era raised the theme of guyub sesarengan. What is guyub sesarengan? Guyub rukun sesarengan is praying for each other, strengthening each other, encouraging each other, and reminding each other.
Both among members and with tourism stakeholders and local governments. Where the first PHRI DIY table top has been carried out in West Java with 72 sellers, 120 buyers. In Malang City, this activity was attended by 72 sellers and 120 buyers.
"This can all happen because of togetherness to be able to revive tourism in DIY, especially from the hotel and restaurant sector," said Deddy. (cah/ram)